Day 124: Validation Character: Physical/Behavior Dimension (Part 4)

This post is a continuation to:

In the last two posts we walked Self Forgiveness on the Physical/Behavior Dimension, and now in this post we’re continuing with Commitment Statements.

Negative Dimension Internal Changes Self Commitments:
I commit myself to when facing a moment of interacting/meeting another, to when and as I experience my internal physical condition changing, especially where my heart starts to palpitate, I feel nauseous in my gut, where my legs feel week and wobbly like the energy was ‘sucked out’ of them, my body becomes stiff and difficult to move, and my shoulders become tight, to see, realize and understand that I have already gone into self manipulating myself within Energy, and not remaining here as breath and stable in/as the physical and following through with the task before me.

I commit myself to when and as I see that I have already gone into the Personality to the point of possession, where I’m already manifesting a physical condition, to realize that it’s going to be ‘more difficult’ to stop participation, breathe, and follow through with the meeting/interaction, because I have accepted the mind as having power over me, and so created it to be more difficult to stand up from the experience in the moment by letting it get to such a point, where because I let it get to the point where the Personality has taken over to the extent of causing changes within/as my physical condition, the consequence of this is that I have made it harder to in that moment, stand up and change. 

Thus, within this, I commit myself to not accept/allow myself to give in to this experience of it being difficult, and to immediately take a breath, stabilize myself here, and follow through with the meeting/interaction, as I see, realize and understand that it’s in such moments where I am experiencing it as difficult to stand up and change, that it is easiest to manipulate myself into going for the positive and running away from the situation.

I commit myself to realizing that when and as I face the moment of making the decision to give in and go for the positive, at that point where the Personality has manifested to the extent where physical changes have manifested and it is ‘most difficult’ to stand up and ‘easiest’ to give in and go for the positive, that it may seem easier in that moment, but that if I continue to go for the positive over and over I am actually making it more and more difficult to eventually stand up, and simply creating and piling on more and more layers of resistance to meeting/interacting with others.

I commit myself to seeing, realizing and understanding that in that moment where it is ‘difficult’ to stand up, that it is a pivotal point where in that moment I face the decision of walking as the commitment I’ve made to/with myself to actually really change or to give in/justify/excuse giving in to the temptation of the ‘positive’, and thus the important moment to stick with my commitment to myself as I realize that if in such moments if I give in/justify/excuse that ‘it’s easier to just not do it and so avoid the situation’ that no actual practical change in going to happen in reality.

We’ll go up to here in this post, and in the next post continue with the Commitment Statements for the Physical/Behavior Dimension of the Validation Character.
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