Day 117: Validation Character: Reaction Dimension (Part 1)

This post is a continuation to:

Within this post I’ll be walking the Reaction Dimension of the Validation Character, in the context of meeting/interacting with others, to get to understand the dimensions of this character, to assist and support myself to walk myself out of the patterns of this energy-based personality, and into a real living physical being.
For context on the Reaction Dimension, suggest to read the following posts from Heaven’s Journey to Life:

So here I’ll be looking at the Reactions that come up within me that activate along with the Thought, Imagination and Backchat Dimensions as the energy relationships I’ve formed toward each point, that together with the Thought, Imagination and Backchat Dimensions, lead to an actual possession where the mind will actually be able to ‘move me’ in/as energy and energy-experiences, and applying Self forgiveness on the Reaction Dimension, to release myself from the energy-relationships I’ve formed so to assist and support myself to instead of reacting in energy emotion/feeling experiences toward the Dimensions of Thought, Imagination and Backchat, to rather be able to simply see/become aware of the dimensions, to realize that who I am is not a Thought as Memory in my mind.

Thought Energy-Relationship Self Forgiveness:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect and experience of myself toward a thought of seeing myself as not-being liked by another, where I’ve connected this to me experiencing anxiety, and so become the energy of anxiety in the moment and allow it to direct me and I become that anxiety in the moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider/see/realize that in that single moment of when that thought crossed my mind, and I related to the image as anxiety, I accepted and allowed myself to become that experience of anxiety, because I believed that that anxiety ‘is me’, thus within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is actually me that decided to become and experience that thought, and that within that decision I accepted and allowed myself to be directed by a thought, instead of remaining here as myself, directing myself in awareness. 

Imagination Energy-Relationship Self Forgiveness:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the imagination of the person I am going to meet ‘not liking me’ and ‘being mean to me’, and within this imagination to connect my experience of myself to a reaction of hopelessness, where within the imagination, I ‘visualized’ that the person would already not like me, and thus it was a really ‘hopeless’ situation because I was picturing that this person was already/automatically not going to like me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize how I went from an imagination to an energetic experience where instead of being here in the actual moment in actual reality, I went into an alternate reality within an energy experience where I then experienced hopelessness and experienced myself/the situation as ‘hopeless’, and within this not considering/realizing that that feeling/reaction is not who I actually am, but is a reaction/experience triggered within my Imagination through the energy-relationship I formed as ‘hopeless’ to the scenario I played out in my mind.

I’ll go up to here for now and continue in the next post in walking the Self Forgiveness on the Energy-Relationships in Relation to the Thought, Imagination and Backchat Dimensions.

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