Day 119: Validation Character: Reaction Dimension (Part 3)

This post is a continuation to:

Here continuing from where we left off in the previous post, continuing now with Self Forgiveness on the Reaction Dimension, and then starting into Self Commitments.

Reaction Self Forgiveness continued:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within the Validation Character/Personality, allow myself to live as the energy-experiences that come up within me as anxiety, hopelessness and then to relief, according to the feeling of anxiety that I’ve connected with the Thought of someone not liking me, the feeling of hopelessness that I’ve associated with imagining them treating me mean, and the experience of relief I’ve connected to the imagination of not having to go through with meeting/interacting with them, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to follow and become this energy-experience, where I’ve actually created an alternate version of reality of the scenario before me of meeting/interacting with someone, and instead going into and becoming/living as this energy-experience instead of remaining here in actual reality and simply interacting/meeting with another being here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider/see how I have allowed myself to be completely consumed within the energy-experience where I am living as/for just that experience, and within that not considering how I’m practically not even aware of my physical body, my very breathing, the other being I am/going to be meeting/interacting with and all and everything around me and in my world as all the various beings and manifestations that exist in this reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within accepting myself to exist as this point, I’m limiting myself in my world and reality where instead of getting to know part of my world and reality as the other beings that I exist with here through meeting/interacting with them, I’m giving into and allowing myself to be directed by energy-experiences of anxiety, hopelessness and relief.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be directed by these energies and never considering how it is that I came to think/believe/perceive that I want/need/desire for others to ‘like me’, within this not seeing/realizing that within this I am actually manipulating myself where I want the other person to act in such a way that I can feel validated/liked, instead of realizing that it is me that determine how I experience myself and thus the actual solution is actually for me stop accepting and allowing myself to participate in energy-reactions, and not in how another acts/doesn’t act toward me, as no one but myself can stop my participation in the very thoughts, imagination, backchat, and reactions to which I have allowed to become habitual as my accepted and allowed nature as ‘who I am’.

Reaction Dimension Self Commitments:
Thought Energy-Relationship Self Commitments:
I commit myself to when/as I see a thought cross my mind of someone not liking me or an interaction with a person not going well, I stop immediately and move myself as the directive principle of myself to not participate in the thought and simply stick to the task at hand of meeting/interacting with another, as I see, realize, and understand that if I do not immediately move myself, that I will accept and allow the Mind to move me with the energy-experience of anxiety, and that I will become that energy and be moved and directed by that energy and I’ll thus sabotage myself and my participation here by going further and further into the alternate reality of the energy-experience, instead of remaining here in actual reality and effectively participating.

I commit myself to stand within this decision within not accepting and allowing myself to follow/live as/connect the thought to me in the moment, as I see, realize, and understand that if I do so I will become that thought and accompanying energy-experience and lock myself into the mind and essentially giving myself up and my directive will to the mind becoming locked in an experience of energy and no longer here directing myself here in awareness and determining who I am in the moment and what I will live as, and so I commit myself to stand as this decision to in the moment, take a breath and move myself to stay here in reality with meeting/interacting with another being.

Imagination Energy-Relationship Self Commitments:
I commit myself to when and as I see myself participating in a negative imagination such as seeing another being not liking me/picturing an interaction with another being not going well/going badly, within and as an energy reaction of hopelessness, to realize that by participating in this imagination and energy-experience that I have connected to it, that I am accepting and allowing myself to create this energy-experience, as I am the one that is participating in it, and so deciding that I will live as/within it, which I can stop in a moment through making the decision to stop participating, and then walking/living that decision, breathe through the energy and ground myself here in and as the physical, as I realize that the more I stick to my decision to move me, the more I show that the mind does not in fact have control/power over me, and the imagination and energy will start disappearing, as I no longer accept and allow myself to be moved by it, that I have for so long accepted and allowed myself to exist as.

I commit myself to when and as I see that I’m going further into my mind into a positive imagination, where I imagine scenarios where I can avoid going through with the planned course of action of meeting/interacting with another being, to realize that I am accepting and allowing myself to be moved by energy and going into an energy experience instead of remaining here with/as the physical and moving myself practically, as the physical in physical reality.

In the next post we’ll continue with Self Commitments for the Imagination, Backchat and Reaction Energy-Relationships for the Validation Character.

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