Day 120: Validation Character: Reaction Dimension (Part 4)

This post is a continuation to:

Imagination Energy-Relationship Self Commitments continued:
I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop creating and participating in an alternate version of reality made-up in my mind that exist only as energy and has no bearing or substance in reality, and commit myself rather to self expansion as a physical being that live practically in/as the physical reality.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself going into/participating in my imagination in imagining scenarios in which I possibly wouldn’t have to go through with the situation, where my mind takes me through various different possibilities like for example if I a stray dog were to run up and bite me on the way there and so I’d rather have to go and treat the wound, or if I were to fall and injure myself, within this not even considering how I would actually experience myself if those things were to actually happen to me, where then I would find myself in an even worse situation of actual physical consequence than the energy-experience of anxiety and hopelessness, and thus I commit myself to realize the common sense that the obvious better solution is to simply stop the energy-experience within myself, as that is the only actual solution, and imaging physical consequence to ‘save me’ in essence from myself, from the experiences that I’m actually creating within myself, is obviously no solution, and that within this I’ve accepted myself as powerless wherein I’m waiting for my reality to come up with some situation to change my experience, instead of standing up within/as myself to change how I experience myself as I am the very creator of the experience in the first place.

I commit myself to assist and support myself when and as I see myself imagining in my mind not having to go through with the meeting/interaction, and experiencing ‘relief’ toward this imagination, to stop participation, as I realize that I am allowing myself to be manipulated within/by/through an energy-experience of ‘relief’ attached to an image in my mind, with the purpose of manipulating myself to give up on the task that is before me, and so I commit myself to realize that I am not that experience of relief, as it’s just a feeling that was triggered by the image in my mind, and thus I do not allow myself to be directed by an energy-experience and I move myself to face the task at hand, as I realize that I am the one that created the feeling of ‘relief’ in the first place and thus it is not actually real.

Backchat Energy-Relationship Self Commitments:
I commit myself to when facing a moment of meeting/interacting with another, and I see myself participating in the words “I really wish I didn’t have to face this person right now” where I’m speaking as the emotions of anxiety and hopelessness that I have and manifested into my physical within my participation in thought and imagination, to see and realize how I am using words and the energy-experiences related to them, to give myself over to the mind in further validating myself as thought and imagination, instead of being the directive principle of/as myself and living words as/into real physical living.

I commit myself to when and as I see myself participate in the backchat “I really wish I didn’t have to face this person right now”, to realize that I am using these words and the energy experience of anxiety and thus creating myself as this experience and thus into an alternate reality in my mind, and through this compromising myself where instead of me living here as breath and remaining in actual reality and simply moving myself to interact with another, I am allowing myself to be directed by energy-experiences that seek to prevent me from doing that which I set out to do.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to when and as I see myself going into backchat and a negative or positive energy-experience toward what is here, to stop participation, breathe and stabilize myself here in reality, and in that moment take directive will of myself and change myself as the words I live as from words of energy to living words, where I decide that I am going to follow through on the task at hand and so will myself to take directive stance of myself and move myself to actually do it.

Reaction Self Commitments:
I commit myself to when and as I see myself within an energy-experience as reaction toward what I am facing as the task at hand, as for example facing a moment of meeting/interacting with another being, and I see, realize and understand the nature of my thoughts, imagination and backchat within the energy-reactions are existent within the context of the Validation Character: to see, realize and understand that I am accepting and allowing myself to go into energy-experiences of the mind, instead of practically living here in actual reality, and allowing myself to follow through with the task before me.

I commit myself to assist and support me to move myself from being controlled/directed by energy-experiences, to a self-willed, self-directed being, and to redefine myself from living words of energy to actually Living words, so that I align myself to physical living instead of living as/within/possessed by the energy of the mind, and thus I commit myself to use writing as the tool with which I establish a self-agreement with me where I assist and support myself to direct myself to follow through with what it is I set out to do, and no longer give up on myself and go into the Validation character.

Within the next post, we’ll continue on to the Behavior/Physical Dimension of this Character/Personality.

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