Day 33 - Who We Are Is LOVE or EVOL?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who we are is ‘love’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider or really investigate what this phrase actually entail, but just believing it because it ‘sounds nice’ because of the positive charge I have attached to the word ‘love’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that the belief that who we are is ‘love’ is just that – a belief – and not actually based on anything but on feelings and thoughts, where if I actually looked at what was going on within me when thinking that who we are is love, what I would see is that the belief has no actual substance to it and is just ‘what I would like to believe’ as it ‘sounds nice’, according to how we’ve defined love as the idea of what love is as being something that is ‘nice’ and ‘positive’ which is usually associated with positive energetic feelings we experience within our human physical bodies.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I experience positive feelings only sometimes and have never been able to experience them all the time, and thus if sometimes that positive feeling does not exist, then how can I actually be it, since I am always here and it is not, thus obviously the positive feelings are only something I experience and are not who I am in fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to even though I realized that thinking that who we are is love isn’t actually true and doesn’t actually make sense, to suppress this realization and act like it is true within wanting to believe it, as if we are love as we are already, then that means I am fine the way I am and can stay the way I am, as I am apparently love already, and thus don’t have to do anything or lift a finger but can just continue as I always have, now just believing that ‘I am love’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that by actually deciding to participate in such a belief that I am actively deciding to participate in delusion and thus-

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see the self-abuse and self-harm I am doing within participating in deluding myself, not only to myself but to everyone and everything in existence, as I am within my words and actions perpetuating a lie.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I am thus responsible for the existence of such a belief and deception to exist in the world within other beings as I have participated in the belief in ‘giving it life’ by living it as myself as ‘who I am’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the obvious fact that the current state of humanity shows beyond any doubt that who we are is certainly not 'love', as we are allowing such extensive abuse to take place.

I commit myself to sorting out where I have assigned polarities to words, and not allow myself to be directed by energetic feeling polarities, so that I can see things as they are and direct myself in my reality, not be directed by feelings that are just chemical reactions taking place within my human physical body, and are thus not who I really am.

I commit myself to become aware of the words I speak to ensure that the words I speak are not supporting and spreading delusion, but that what I speak is in the best interest of all life.

I commit myself to keeping myself grounded in actual reality and not participating in ‘nice sounding’ ideas in my mind, when I know there is no actual substance to such ideas, and that the only way one can believe in them is by not investigating such statements to see if it is actually true or relevant to reality and what is going on in this world and existence.

I commit myself to realizing that love as a feeling is useless in a physical reality where what’s done in the physical in the reality shared by all is what matters, and the fantasies in my mind do not matter as they do not take place in reality but are only illusions in my mind.

I commit myself to living love as physical action to manifest a world where all life is considered equally and supported equally and none are left out, as that you could call real love.

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