Day 22 - Separation Propagation

For context watch Psywars.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there are departments, businesses, professional training all for the purpose of shaping public opinion and perception.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that events have actually been staged to induce certain reactions from the public, when this is obviously something we accept and allow ourselves to do on a personal basis, so it is no surprise that it happens in the world ‘at large’, as no matter at what ‘level’ action is being taken, it is an individual that makes the decision, a human being subject to the same behaviors as all human beings, thus what we accept and allow within ourselves can exist within anyone at any ‘level’ of society.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the effect that information can have on our minds and our perception of the world when used specifically to shape our mindsets, as it is through information that we ‘understand’ our world, and thus whatever information is presented is thus how we see the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take for granted the information that is presented to me within and by the media, that such information is going to be true and in my best interest as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust the main stream media, without considering what the starting point is of the information being presented, within looking at what will be the result if I accept the information that is presented? Will it be that I will see attacking the people in another country as justified? Will it be that I will have others treated how I would not have myself be treated?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the extent of the deception taking place within the organizations and persons that are in positions of power within the world system, that is indicated by the extent of deception that exist within the world, as how nothing at all seems to make sense as to how things are being done, wherein people who need homes aren’t given homes, people who need food aren’t given food, and so on for healthcare, education, all the things which we know and understand is necessary and important to have a dignified life here, without which one will suffer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that the extreme mess that we face in the world is indication that those who are ‘running things’ have not been doing so in the interest of all life, or such an extensive fuckup, where we are actually busy destroying the very planet we live on,  would not be possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe when the media said, ‘we must go to war against so-and-so’, without even questioning if there might be another way, or without demanding further context and explanation, and without actually doing anything, because I did not want it to be ‘my problem’, as my life was already ‘hard enough’, not realizing that if I stand up to change the system it would also solve the ‘hardness’ of my own life, on top of stopping the unnecessary brutal suffering caused by the inequality of the current system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within the U.S. not so long ago, children were made to work and workers had to fight to have even basic rights and many were brutally killed just trying to get better working conditions, and that these companies and families who made their fortunes off of taking advantage of so many, are still existing today, still accepting and allowing the current system of inequality where most aren’t able to work enough to have a dignified life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that we have always accepted and allowed the current system to exist, while only having demonstrations or rebellions in order to get certain conditions, yet always within the same system which is already based on inequality, and thus no real change takes place, as the system remains the same.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the ineffectiveness of revolutions and demonstrations, and to not realize that this has been deliberately presented as the only way to make change, as it won’t actually result in changing the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in politics and the media, outright deliberate lies have been spread in order to affect and control public opinion.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there are those who have deliberately investigated to learn how to take advantage of the population, and have taken jobs and made careers out of the field of manipulating public perception.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the charity does not actually exist, as if charity was real, then there would exist no poor, no starving, no lack of education, but what charity actually exists as, is ‘crisis management’ where just enough is given so that people don’t have an uprising, which indicates that those participating in charity are actually evil, because they are participating in a function that allows the abuse to continue as it is on the whole, while giving just enough here and there, to keep down any sort of mass action that might actually result in a change of the system.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the major corporations of the whole world, who act like they are in competition with one another, actually work together as they do what is best for business and profit, and within that they do not go by any kind of ethics, morality, or care for life in any way whatsoever, but will actually implement actions that involve causing deliberate harm to people, animals and nature.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is actually corporations that currently determine all the important decisions that have such a major impact on the lives of all beings in this world within determining how and what we eat and who gets to eat and what kind of working conditions we work in, and how we treat the environment, and basically determine and control every aspect of life on this planet, as the corporations buy the legislation that allows them to do whatever they can for profit, as the corporation is legally required to do whatever it can for profit in disregard of life except to the extent where it conflicts with the company’s ability to make profits, and thus our entire lives has become ruled by this singular drive for profit as allowed within the current system.

I commit myself to educating myself to how the current system operates and how the abuse is being caused, so that I can understand how to stop it.

I commit myself to realizing that revolutions and demonstrations are not effective, as history has shown, they only serve to allow the people to feel like they are standing up, but never actually changing the system, as within the design of revolutions and demonstrations, it already accepts that there is a ‘subordinate class’ and a ‘ruling class’, and thus equality is not realized as the solution, and there is no focus on creating a system that will facilitate and support equality, but the inequality is left unchanged and is in fact supported even further by participation in rebelling and demonstrating.

I commit myself to realize that the way to change is through the political system, as it is through the political system that the laws which support those in ‘higher positions’ within the system were put in place, wherein we live and enforce such laws, and thus what is required is to change the laws to those which support life, by getting involved in the political process, becoming the political decision makers, to stand in the place of those who would choose to abuse life and instead honor life by the decisions we make.

I commit myself to seeing how when and where I respond to and trust symbols and particular presentations that I will accept what is presented to me as long as such symbols are in place, so that I can become aware of where I have become a brainwashed zombie and no longer take things for granted just because ‘it looks right’ according to pictures that have no relevance to the actual thing or information being presented, and so that I can ensure that I do actual practical investigation into whatever is presented to me, so that I expand myself as my awareness of this reality, rather than diminish myself by being blind to what is here and only seeing and responding to symbols like a preprogrammed robot.

I commit myself to investigating myself, and ensuring that every decision I make is the decision that honors life.

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