Day 50: Stepping Out of Character: 'I am Vegan / Vegetarian'

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that when I live the character of ‘Vegan/Vegetarian’ that this means I am ‘doing my part’ to stop animal abuse, and that I am living a lifestyle that is actually going to lead to the end of animal abuse.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the extent of how unaware I am of the entirety of the situation in existence as to how/why animal abuse is taking place and all the dimensions that is involved, that I could come to believe that I am actually able to not take part in animal abuse, in believing that it’s possible to end the abuse by simply buying products that do not involve the abuse of animals, not considering that no matter what I buy, the very system I am buying it within the very system that is driving the animal abuse that takes place in this world – and thus I am still supporting animal abuse, still participating in animal abuse, and still responsible for animal abuse. Therefore-

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the fact that my participation in and living as the character of Vegan or Vegetarian was to feed and perpetuate an idea of myself as ‘caring’ and ‘making a difference’ and not actually having the result that I am apparently standing for of ending animal abuse, as I am not taking the necessary action that could possibly actually lead to the end of animal abuse, as no longer supporting the current system and standing up to establish and create a new system which will enable us to actually stop animal abuse, as within the current system that is based on profit and inequality it is impossible to stop animal abuse. See the Equal Money System as the equality based system busy being developed within the starting point of supporting life and ending all abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider how I took on the character of Vegan / Vegetarian so I could have the ‘feeling’ like I am having a positive impact on the world, so I could ‘feel good’ about myself – which shows that it was simply a character as an act I put on with the starting point and focus being myself – and having a positive experience/feeling about/toward myself, and not actually about stopping animal abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to imagine in my mind all the animal lives I was ‘saving’ by no longer apparently consuming animal products, and using this picture to create the idea of myself for myself that I am having some kind of impact on animal abuse, within this, focusing on the lives I believed I was saving and ignoring all the rest of the animal abuse that was still taking place and that I’d had no impact on whatsoever, within the justification that I am doing ‘what I can’ and that in, according to my mind, having apparently ‘saved’ a few animals that that was all that really could be expected of me, and all the possible impact I could have, as I can’t control/effect everyone else that is still using products made from animals. Within this not considering that I can in fact have an impact on others, as we all already do impact each other through the examples that we live as the actions we take and the words we speak, and through accepting and allowing the current money system which keeps the majority of the earth’s population enslaved in wage-slavery with little or no choice in what one has access to as one’s needs to be able to choose products that are not made from animals. Thus – 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the characters of Vegan and Vegetarian are elitist lifestyles created and perpetuated to serve consumerism, as those who are poor/in poverty have little to no choice in what they consume and whether it is of animal or not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that in living the character of Vegan or Vegetarian, I am creating and participating in a polarity of plants vs animals, wherein I am placing animals as more important than plants, and not considering that abuse that is done to plants as well, wherein I have decided within myself that something/someone has to suffer/pay the price for me to live, and it will be the plants, and thus within this there is no equality and oneness as consideration for all live equally as all life is of the same substance and all forms are part of this earth and this existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider how I act when I am living as the character of Vegan or Vegetarian, as how I experience myself when I tell others that I am vegan/vegetarian, where I feel a positive charge/feeling for being a ‘good person’ who is ‘doing the right thing’ and used this definition in comparison to others who are not vegan/vegetarian and felt superior toward them, like I am better than them because they are abusing animals, while ignoring that I am still abusing animals, as animals have been and are abused within everything that is made from this earth, as in no way are we actually taking into consideration and caring for the animals, or nature/the environment or ourselves, as all equal parts of existence here, and in no way are living in such a way that is supporting life, but are rather accepting destruction of the earth to take place on a massive scale, where there is only a tiny fraction of area on the land of the earth where animals live unmolested, as we’ve literally taken over the whole planet within the overconsumption driven by the current system by those who seek to profit off of the earth, in total disregard for the immense destruction being done to the earth, animals, nature, and humans.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I decided to become and live as the character of the vegan/vegetarian due to memories, wherein I had seen pictures of animals being abused and felt bad and powerless to stop the abuse that had already taken place within the image/picture, and when the idea of becoming vegan/vegetarian was presented I took it on in order to feel like I was doing something and was not powerless after all - within this showing that I lived this character as a way of directing how I was experiencing myself within myself, to make myself feel better, so in essence I became the vegan/vegetarian character in order to experience myself a certain way, and thus the starting point is not to become a force that can influence the world to actually make a change like ending abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am wreaking havoc on my physical body and the physical reality by living as characters as information that I’ve taken on and lived as myself that is based on ideas /opinions/beliefs that I learned/read/heard from somewhere, without ensuring that the information is valid as that which if lived will lead to a world where life is supported.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to live as/according to the mind as my beliefs/thoughts/perceptions/feelings/emotions/opinions, I am harming the physical, as I am not living as the physical and thus according to what the physical requires and what actually supports the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the character I live as is a personality suit that I put on in order to make myself feel like/believe that I am something I’m not in actuality.

I commit myself to no longer living as a character for the sake of thinking/believing I am making a difference/having an impact in the world, and commit myself to ensure that who I am will actually have an impact on the earth.

I commit myself to realizing that to end abuse, we must change the money system, as the money system stands as our acceptance of abuse to be done to life as ourselves, nature, the animals, and it’s through the current system that animal abuse is perpetuated, and thus I commit myself to supporting the Equal Money System, as a system where life is valued as the only real value, and thus abuse will not be allowed, and we can begin to reform the balance of nature that should be existing here.

I commit myself to realizing that to live as a character is a criminal act, as I will defend my character no matter whether such character accepts and allows abuse to exist in the world, as a character must be defended because it isn’t real, and thus I commit myself to investigating and finding every way that I live as a character, so that I can stop and become a real being that lives in consideration of life – not as an ego that seeks to be validated and feel good about itself no matter the cost to life.

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