Day 47 - Building Character - The Ultimate Trap for Enslavement

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when I perceive another to be their character, and treat them as their character that I validate that character and assist and support their self-definition as that character, as I within my words and actions toward them are saying, 'yes, that is who you are'.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within this not realize that if/when I do not validate/see/perceive another as their character, that I give them the opportunity to step out of it and let it go.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that within treating another as if they are their character, I hold them to their character in supporting them to remain in and as the character they have designed themselves as.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I by expecting and wanting other’s to ‘stay in character’ as how I’ve ‘known them to be’ according to my memories of them, I put them in a position where I am asking them in a subtle way to please act as their character, to put on a literal act for me, and not be themselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that why I feel shame after moments where I have supported another to exist/remain in/as their character is because I do realize that I am supporting that being to stay and remain limited within their character, and that I have sabotaged an opportunity to interact with a being for real, as who they really are, but instead have interacted with a character, as a character, and thus given a moment away to the mind as character, instead of living here as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that another being is never actually their character, and thus it is always only MY perception and belief that they are their character, and thus by treating them as their character, I am actually sabotaging myself within not really getting to see that being as who they really are, as I am saying, in my eyes, in my reality, you can only be this character that I have defined you as through my perception of you within my thoughts and memories.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to realize that if I have, tacitly or overtly, within the implications of my words and deeds, asked or even demanded others to live as characters for me, then if they do so, they are actually doing as I have asked them to, and thus I am responsible for what I have asked of this reality and what it has provided as a result, wherein I have not made sure that what I ask is in the interest of all, and not the to the detriment of all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that when/if I fear to 'break' another's character, it is because I am accepting and allowing myself to fear breaking out/'being broken out' of my own characters, because I have defined myself as my character, and thus there will be conflict within myself when I am not able to maintain my character/when my character is not supported by others, because I have not effectively applied the realization for myself that I am not my characters.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that If I had faced and transcended this conflict within myself, then I would not fear to break others character, as I would realize there is nothing to fear, and there is no real conflict, if I am not defining myself as the character I have designed myself as, because then I will have realized the fact that who I am without any characters is still here, as characters are like coats that can be worn and taken off, thus aren’t who you are.

I commit myself to realize that who I am is not a memory, and who I am is here in each and every moment, and without memories I am still here, and thus I commit myself to stop living as the characters I have designed myself to be, as they are based in memories, and as I created them, I can uncreate them, and free myself from my own character trap, to live life here as a real being.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to forget that I created the characters I exist as, so that I could believe they are who I really am, because I wanted to live this idea of myself and believe it was real, so I had to forget that it was actually me that created it and made it up.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear stepping out of character, to fear how others may/will react if I stop acting according to how they remember me and have defined me according to their memories, as this fear is what serves to keep us stuck in limitation within constantly keeping each other ‘in line’ with our character definitions, so that none of us ever steps outside of the box, breaks character, but remains trapped within the past as memories within characters of limitation, as by developing ourselves as characters, all we are developing is our thoughts, and not actually developing ourselves as who we actually are in physical reality, but instead only creating and maintaining an image/idea of ourselves that’s never actually real, and then hoping/wishing/wanting/seeking others to validate that image/idea of ourselves, so that we can pretend for ourself that it is actually real, and then we don’t have to face actually developing ourself and changing ourself for real, to become a real being.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I don’t even know what of me is ‘real’ as I’ve always existed as characters that I’ve created. Within this, I realize this means that I must first walk the deconstruction of all my characters, to then create myself in awareness, as that is the only way to be a ‘real’ being here, as how do I know what Is real – but that it is that which I decide to walk and live within awareness in the context of reality, as a being that stands for life.

I commit myself to stop participating in characters to give myself the opportunity to form myself in awareness in a way that I be an become a being that stands for life.

For more context on ourselves as Character:
Day 79: Stepping out of Character

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