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Featured Art by Matti Freeman |
I commit myself to be/become
aware of when I go into/utilize a character as a defense mechanism to avoid
investigating myself and the relationships I’m living as toward a particular
form/manifestation/circumstance/situation/event/scenario/being, so that I can
stop sabotaging myself within avoiding myself and instead face myself and get
to know myself and be/become a real self-willed, self-directed individual.
I commit myself to realizing that
all judgment is actually self judgment, is
actually me participating in judgment within/as myself, and as I cannot stop or
do anything about judgment that another may be participating in, then obviously
the only way/place in which I can take self responsibility to make a
change/stop/end judgment, is within myself, in changing myself and stopping the judgment
within myself. Within this, I commit myself to realize that if I have not first
stopped judgment within myself, then I can in no way be absolutely certain that
I am seeing judgment in another, as I have not
even first got effective in identifying it within myself to the point where no
judgment remains.
I commit myself to not consider
that I’ll deliberately create perceptions of others/my reality, in order to
experience myself a certain way and to determine how I’ll respond/who I’ll
be/how I’ll act toward others/my reality, and thus within this, using
perception as a tool with which to manipulate myself, so that I will act a
certain way/feel a certain way, where I am in other words, ‘seeing what I want
to see’, in order to justify certain actions/behaviors/characters that I’ll play out, in the belief that that is who/how I
want to be, as it’s how I’ve learned to be and accept myself as.
I commit myself to realizing that
the relationships I’ve formed toward what is here in separation and judgment of
what is here, are not who I am,
as who I am is not relationships of stored information, but who I am is here as
life, and thus I commit myself to investigate and identify all the
relationships I exist as that I’ve allowed to exist within me, to become aware
of the consequences of such relationships, and to
stop living as these relationships, so that I can actually live here as myself
as life, as breath that is simply here and silent within, not moved by anything
in separation of/from myself, but moving myself in consideration of all
I commit myself to be/become
aware of everything I am creating within/through my participation, in order to
ensure that I am not forming characters and behaviors to be automated in
separation of myself, but to be aware of exactly how I create myself and what I
create myself as so that I create myself in such a way that I live as/according
to what is best for all life in each and every moment, in each
and every decision I make, and thus change myself and
my application from deliberately avoiding myself, to deliberately facing myself
to get to know myself completely, so that there can be no parts of me that act
in separation from myself that have ‘control’ of me behavior and influence me
to make decisions that are not best for all life.
I commit myself to realizing that
self investigation and taking self responsibility are the keys to expanding
myself into my true potential and really being able to be/become a force in
this world that can make a difference, and thus I commit myself to
investigating myself and taking self responsibility to so that I can expand
myself and in so doing, expand all of existence, one and equal, through
standing as an example to others of how they can assist and support themselves
to expand as well.
I commit myself to realizing that
characters are made-up, and thus can’t possibly be who I really am, as the
character is able to be deleted/disappear, and yet I am still here, thus
showing that the character is simply a personality suit that we put on for a
moment, and can take it off and switch it for another, proving that who we are
is not characters, and that we thus do not have to live as the characters we’ve
been living as without question, and thus we can take self
responsibility to ensure that the characters we live as is that which stand for
a better life for all life equally.
I commit myself to stop the harm
I cause to my human physical body by participating in this character where I
experience within/as my physical body tension and stiffening, and to realize
that if/when I experience these physical reactions within my body, indicates
that I am not here as myself, but am participating in the mind in separation of
myself, and thus I stop, breathe, and bring myself ‘back here’, back to reality
as myself as the physical flesh that is here simply living and breathing and
not in my mind as judgments/perceptions/beliefs/emotions/feelings/thoughts that take a toll on the physical
when we participate in such experiences.
I commit myself to clearing up
all the relationships I exist as, to ensure that who I am as who I live as, is
relevant to actual reality, and that I’m not ‘removing myself’ from reality
through creating alternate realities in my mind, and then acting/living
according to those alternate realities, so that I can ensure that who I am is
relevant to actual reality, and that I’m not simply believing whatever the mind
presents, and then staying within this bubble of perception and ultimately
limitation, but rather to assist and support myself to get to know myself and
my world as this physical reality, so that I can expand to my utmost ability
here in actual reality.
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