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For more perspectives: Lao Tzu in Modern Society |
This post is a continuation to:
we’re continuing with the Self Forgiveness on the on the Physical/Behavior
Dimension of the I Don’t Want to Do This Character/Personality in regards to
working/doing my job.
Positive Dimensions Internal Changes Self Forgiveness:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand how in that moment just before going to work that I had originally been stable within myself and my physical, and then went into my mind into the negative experiences of dread, anxiety and depression where I then experienced negative changes within my physical, and to then move into the positive experiences of comfort and relaxation, where my body felt more relaxed, and more energized, and my eyes weren’t as heavy, and so because my body ‘felt better’ I use this as the excuse/justification/reason to chase after the positive way in which I have a positive physical experience which is in not working, instead of sticking to the task at hand, which is to do my job, as it’s what I require to do in order to support myself effectively in this current world system situation, and a position in which I have an opportunity to really apply myself and develop skills and so expand myself and my ability to work within the current system.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as I allow this pattern in myself, so I accept and allow it in the greater, where the example which I’m living is to chase the things that I have a ‘positive experience’ toward, and to avoid that which I have a ‘negative experience’ toward, and thus I am responsible for how humanity exists as this pattern of behaviour on the world scale, where we have made entire industries formed around this point of Entertainment ad Comfort first and foremost, where you have much of consumerism based on those two points selling forms of entertainment and that which give one ‘positive experiences’ and make us ‘feel good’, as that is how we are living, in putting those points before all else, before taking care of our responsibilities.
Negative Dimensions External Changes Self Forgiveness:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand how as I go into/participate in the dimensions of this character/personality and participate in the energies of the mind within the negative dimension where I manifested the physical changes/conditions of my shoulders tightening, tension in my neck, my body feeling stiff and difficult to move, and my body feeling colder, a cramping in my gut, my body feeling weak and tired, and my eyes becoming heavy, that I also changed in my physical behaviour, where I slouched down and sat further back in my chair, and became very stiff where my movements were like ‘jagged’, and thus allowing myself to become the actual physical embodiment of what I accepted and allowed myself to define myself as within/as my mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question in the moment the very fact that my physical behaviour was changing and what this was showing me in terms of how I’ve so separated myself from my physical body that I don’t even see/realize the direct relationship that exists between the mind and the physical to the extent that it can influence and direct my actual physical experiences and behaviour, and then where I use the conditions which I’ve actually manifested, to then justify/excuse avoiding my responsibilities here in doing that which needs to be done, and following the ‘positive experiences’ of the mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider how the body is showing me what I am accepting and allowing myself to live as, as for example slouching in my chair and becoming the physical manifestation of depression, and thus that I should/can utilize the physical as a reference to assist me to see what I am participating in and the relationships that I’m accepting and allowing myself to exist as and to see how it is I am changing my experience in that moment instead of remaining here and stable as breath and taking care of my responsibilities effectively within working/doing my job.
Positive Dimensions External Changes Self Forgiveness:
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand how I accepted and allowed myself to participate in the negative dimensions manifesting negative internal and external behaviors, and then moving to the positive dimensions, and manifesting internal and external positive changes, becoming the embodiment of the positive energy experiences I was participating in of comfort and relaxation, where I then experienced the change of sitting up straighter from slouching, and feeling more energetic and ready to do things.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question in that moment how/why it is that I can go into such drastically different experiences from one moment to the next, and within this not questioning what it is I’m actually doing to my physical body, as I am the one that is putting the body through these experiences, as my body was stable before I started participating in the energies of the mind, and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not even consider the experience that I am putting my physical through and what the actual consequences are of participating in these dimensions and energies on my physical body.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that since I am the one creating these energetic experience through my participation in the dimensions and energies of the mind, that these experiences are thus not actually real, and not the natural expression of the physical body, which in itself is stable here as breath, and these experiences are the consequence of me following energy, instead of remaining here as the physical in stability, and facing my responsibilities.
In the next post we’ll continue with walking the Commitment Statements in regards to the points walked here in Self Forgiveness.
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