Day 137: The Copyright Scam Revisited: Self Forgiveness

In this post, we’re revisiting the earlier post Day 132: Does Copyright Make Sense? Or Just Cents? where I wrote about Copyright, if you haven’t yet read that post, suggest to do so to have context on the following Self Forgiveness statements.

Also for context into how it is we’ve become enslaved into the current system, suggest to watch the documentary Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand that the human doesn’t require profit/making money as motivation to create or do things, and within this to believe that the current system apparently shows that the human is dependent on/requires incentive to work, when what it is actually showing is that when you withhold the resources that one needs to survive, you can convince them to work to get the money to buy their survival, and thus what the current system is actually showing us is that physical beings with physical requirements can be enslaved by deliberately withholding one’s requirements from them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not question the concept of ‘copyright’ and to believe that it makes sense to have a law where one is given the right to collect profits for themselves, within this not realizing how the starting point is not about doing what is best for all life, but is about personal gain in spite of everyone else, and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in supporting a concept like ‘copyright’ I’m supporting greed and self interest in fact, as copyright serves to give profit to some and keep it from others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that I liked the idea of copyright because I thought – ‘hey, if I make something someday, I would like to have the profits all to myself’ – and thus within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see how I am in fact responsible for a society which is based in self interest and greed, because I was living it myself in my very starting point. Within this, not considering at all, the billions who will never be in a position to make produce something to be copyrighted and thus it’s not an opportunity that is available to all, and therefore copyright is obviously no ‘just’ thing, as it cannot apply to everyone, in fact most cannot/will not benefit from copyright law, and thus it is to serve only a few individuals in this world to make profits off all the rest. 

And, within that, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see how by supporting a concept/idea/law like copyright, that I was in fact compromising myself and supporting abuse of myself by not ensuring that what I was supporting was something that could be applied by all, which would ensure that no matter what situation I find myself in , I would be supported and not abused, as I hadn’t considered that the law of copyright creates two sides, one of winners and one of losers, and that the winner side is very very small, and thus one has a very high chance of being on the losing side.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand how when I support ideas like copyright because I am hoping to be one of the few winners – that I am simultaneously creating the losing side, and within this not realizing the solution of simply not creating sides in the first place, but creating a world where everyone is a winner which would automatically make me a winner, and I would not have to take a gamble in the casino system of Capitalism in the ‘hopes’ of ‘making it’, because it would be so in the first place.

Thus - I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand that if a system has things like ‘copyright law’ and ‘lotteries’ and get ‘rich quick schemes’, and so many ways that give one the hope that just maybe they can get lucky and make out and have their survival and quality of life secured, that this indicates that our economic system is a total and complete massive failure, as there should be no hoping for some lucky jackpot that for most will never ever come, but everyone should be effectively supported and not have to spend a lifetime ‘hoping’ in the casino system of Capitalism, but everyone should have the best life possible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that all beings can be and should be taken care of and effectively supported, because I accepted the system as it was presented as how it must be, not realizing that we are the ones that decide how it is, and that this means that we are the ones that decide to have a casino system where we have to hope and gamble our lives away while a few make a profit and live in a life of luxury, and thus we are the ones that can change this and implement an Equal Money System where everyone can have the best life possible, as that is how it should always have been.
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