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Featured Artwork by Marlen Vargas Del Razo |
I commit myself to realize that I am responsible for how
work currently exists as being ‘forced’ within living as that relationship
toward ‘work’, and thus I commit myself to realize that it can be another way,
as I can change who I am and the relationships that I’m living as, and support
all others to do the same, and within this transform how ‘work’ currently
exists into real self expression.
I commit myself to transforming my relationship to/toward ‘work’
because I realize this is the key to transforming how work currently exists and
that it is our collective acceptance of work as something we ‘don’t want to do’
and that we ‘must be forced to do’ that ensures that we’ll always exist as
being forced to work.
I commit myself to move myself and not require motivation as
an outside point that drives me before I will move, and within this I commit
myself to investigate everything as an outside/separate point of ‘motivation’
that moves me, so that I can stop existing as patterns and see where/how I must
yet take back my self direction to move myself.
I commit myself to deconstruct my programming according to
what I’ve defined as what I ‘don’t want to do’ and thus also the polarity of
what I ‘do want to do’, so that I am no longer directed by beliefs that keep me
I commit myself to realize that the resistance toward
working is actually serving consumerism, and thus I commit myself to stop being
just a power source that powers the current system by buy buy buying, so I say
bye bye to the character of ‘I hate work’, and change my starting point to
rather expanding myself in each and every moment, rather than developing and
reinforcing the habit of being lazy and accepting myself as more and more
limited, so that I require to buy more and more in the attempt to make up for
my limitations.
I commit myself to realizing that
when I participate in the ‘I hate work/I don’t want to work’ character, that I
am actually programming myself to be limited that will manifest as an actual
physical limitation experienced within/as the physical where I’ll actually
experience physical resistance to effort, and thus am manifesting actual
physical difficulty in moving myself which is extremely limiting myself as a
physical being within a physical reality, and thus commit myself to stopping
this self abuse from participating in resistance to working/that which takes effort.
I commit myself to when I am realize that I am seeing work
as ‘something I must do’, that the physical resistance/reaction I experience is
not actually real, as I’ve programmed it into my physical and is activated by
going into and accessing the character of ‘I don’t want to work’, and thus I
breathe and bring myself back here and into my physical body and no longer
allow myself to go into and access the character of ‘I don’t like working’, and
through consistent application of walking the correction in every moment,
deprogram the physical resistances I have programmed into myself.
I commit myself to educating myself and getting an
understanding of how this reality operates so that I can make sure that who I
am and the decisions I make and live as is in the context of reality as it
currently exists and how to manifest reality into a world that is best for all,
within this becoming the actual change and solution to the current
manifestation of society that is in separation of what is here within only
considering profit/money/survival.
I commit myself to stop the belief that who I am is ‘not
wanting to work’ within the realization that it is a belief that I simply
accepted and did not question and that is able to be deleted in a single moment
and I am still here, and thus is not real/who I am.
I commit myself to transforming my relationship to
work/labor/effort so that what I do becomes the actual expression of who I am
as a physical being as a part of this whole reality, and thus I commit myself
to investigating myself to see exactly how/where I live as this character of ‘I
hate work’ within my daily life, to actually change myself and in the moment no
longer live as this character, so that I can live as a Real Character here that
is the physical.
I commit myself to realizing that I do
not exist separate from this world/reality and thus it is in my best interest
to ensure that this world/reality is properly cared for which is the same as
properly caring for myself, and within this allowing myself to do what’s necessary
to be done to care for life, which the character of ‘I hate work’ actually
prevents me from doing, and thus this character obviously is not in my best
I commit myself to become one and equal
to the situation at hand as correcting what we’ve manifested here through
correcting myself, to take responsibility instead of accepting myself as
limited and as a victim to the system/to the way things are, within realizing that
it is us as each individual that collectively create the way things are, and
thus it’s myself as one of the individuals, as each and every individual, that must change our accepted nature, to stop
manifesting a world of enslavement.
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