Day 53: Sweet Love/Hate Relationship

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form a relationship toward sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as parents that train children to become addicted to sugar/sweets from a very early age, which can have lasting and permanent damaging effects.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my parents for my sugar addiction, when it does not matter how it started as I am here and I am responsible for how I live/what I eat, and I was blaming my parents so that I could use that as an excuse to continue consuming sugar.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to as parents choose the ‘easy way’ of using sugar to control my child’s behavior.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I could just stop consuming sugar, not realizing that the dietary habits I’ve existed as from a young age have become actually programmed into the physical and thus one can cause great harm by making sudden drastic changes without taking the actual state of the physical into consideration.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in believing I should stop eating sugar because it’s ‘bad for you’ is a belief made in separation of the actual state of the physical, as what is best for one to consume depends on the actual state of one’s physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the information and science that I investigate must be put into context of the individual and the state of their physical, otherwise to apply information that is not in context to one’s specific body and it’s specific programming can result in great harm and adverse effects.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept and allow a society and medical system in which an individual’s physical is not fully considered, where individuals are treated ‘in bulk’ according to a symptom that is experienced but not considering all the factors that are taking place in an individual’s specific physical human body, as one’s diet, environment, genetic programming, and who the being is and their relationship to themselves, which has a direct and significant effect on the body.

I commit myself to investigating where and how I’ve formed a relationship toward sugar, to stop separating myself from what is here within judgment, so that I can see what is here for what it is and not colored by a judgment in my mind.

I commit myself to realizing that blame is always me attempting/trying to hide my responsibility from myself, and thus when I find myself blaming I immediately stop and investigate where/how I am responsible so that I can correct myself and live as the example of correction.

I commit myself to not take the ‘easy way’ but to always do what is the best possible action in a given moment.

I commit myself to consider the entire state of the physical and not to impose dietary habits in separation of the actual state of the physical.

I commit myself to not form beliefs according to what is good/bad to eat based in separation of not considering the condition of one’s actual physical body.

I commit myself to make sure I put all information into context of the state of the physical, to ensure that I do not cause unnecessary adverse effects/harm.

I commit myself to showing the common sense of considering the actual state/condition of the physical of a particular individual must be taken into consideration to ensure that no unnecessary/preventable harm is done to any being, and that this should be the standard for all medical practice. 

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