Day 66: Self Forgiveness on the ‘I Hate Work’ Character

Featured Art by Damian Ledesma

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am actually accepting how ‘work’ currently exists as where work has become something that is ‘forced’ by living as that relationship to work within/as myself as how I approach/see/perceive work to be, and thus not considering that it could be another way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the key to transforming how ‘work’ currently exists is through transform my relationship to/toward work, as it is my acceptance and allowance of the belief that I don’t want to ‘work’ as actually doing things in this reality, that ensures that ‘work’ will remain forced, as I have not stood up from within and as this relationship to show to myself that I do not in fact require to be forced to actually move myself to do something in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that work exists as forced because I do not move myself and I only move when there is the motivation that I've accepted and programmed myself to 'require' before I will move myself, such as force or reward, according to how I have allowed myself to be programmed within beliefs of what 'I don’t want to do’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that this ‘not wanting to work’ actually supports consumerism within where I will rather want to just buy things to try to get out of doing labor myself, even though I still have to labor to make the money to buy things.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that who I am is ‘not wanting to work’, within this not realizing how I am actually compromising myself within developing the habit as a physical resistance to moving myself within this physical reality, where the more I participate in the thoughts and beliefs that ‘I don’t want to work’ and that ‘I want to do as little effort as possible’ the more resistance I build within myself within my physical where I will actually feel/experience an actual physical resistance to moving myself, where it will feel like my body doesn’t want to move, where my body will feel tired and lethargic at the mere thought of doing something which I’ve defined as ‘something I must/am forced to do’, and thus, within this literally programming myself as my physical to have more and more difficulty moving and doing anything that requires any effort, and thus when I encounter something that I have defined as what I would like to do, I will find a difficulty even in doing that, as I have programmed my physical to avoid labor and effort of any sort.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see ‘work’ as something I ‘must do’, and to live this belief within acting/speaking in ways to avoid ‘work’, where I am actually trying to avoid the experience I have programed myself to have, which is to have a negative reaction to that which require effort, wherein I will feel tired and lethargic and depressed and like I will ‘sink down’ within myself and my physical will actually feel heavy and difficult to move, when if I have created this reaction, then the solution is to obviously see/investigate exactly how I’ve created this reaction so that I can assist and support myself to deprogram this reaction, which will be me setting myself free from my own imposed limitations, with the result that I’ll no longer experience resistance toward work/effort, and thus will be able to move effectively in my world and actually expand myself and my ability beyond what I’ve ever imagined.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as a society where ‘what we do’ is not an equal and one expression of who we are, and thus where what we do is in total separation from the context of reality, where much of the work/labor that is done is done for the sake of profit – for a few to make money – and not because it is an actual expression of who we are as human beings in this physical reality, on this earth with everything that is here as nature and the animals. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I came into this world ready to learn and express, but that I was immediately trained for how to work within the current system, which does not regard life or function in ways that is best for life, and thus the belief that who I am is ‘not wanting to work’ is only a belief and not actually who I am, as I had to learn to accept it as ‘who I am’ and had to learn how to live it, within learning the behaviors/mannerisms/words one speaks and acts out, within and as this character of ‘I hate work’ from the examples around me, and thus it is simply a character suit that I’ve put on and live as the actor in the play of ‘I hate work’ and thus is not who I actually am, because I am able to take the suit off, as it is I that decide ‘who I am’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I must transform myself as my relationship to work/labor to be/become actual self expression of myself within the context of who I am as a physical being that is equal and one with the whole of existence, and thus must investigate and get to know myself intimately to see where/how I am living this character in my daily life, so that I can apply self forgiveness and corrective application to actually change who I am in the moment where I no longer live as the character of ‘I hate work’, but live here as the Real Character which is the flesh as the physical human body that is made of Substance.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider why am I separated from 'work' in where I experience work as something I don’t want to do and will find any reason to ‘get out of’ – where in the context of what’s here that’s necessary to be done, what does it matter what it is that you’re doing from a personal perspective. Because if you let the world and your life with it go to shit because what was required to be done you just didn’t feel like doing it, well how stupid is that? 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I can become one and equal to the job in standing up to take responsibility for the point instead of remaining in the position of a victim to the system.

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