Day 13 - Care For Earth

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am dependent on the physical reality for my very existence here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to disregard that without the physical, I do not exist here and cannot experience myself here as a being in a physical reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I do not have a voice with which to speak and communicate with in this world, without the air that I breathe into my lungs and pass through the various physical parts of my throat and mouth, in order to produce the sounds that form the words I communicate to others as myself, as a reflection of who I am - as who I am is in my words, as it is me who through and as the physical body forms the words that I speak, and I as the being that decide what those words are and what I communicate.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is a specific composition of elements that make up the air that I require to not only voice myself in this world, but to even simply exist as breath is the most basic fundamental requirement, and within this that I have not considered to ensure that we are taking care of the air we breathe that gives us life and a voice here, but am allowing it to be disregarded and abused within the current system in the name of profit.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that to allow the physical reality which I depend on to exist physically here to be disregarded and abused, is the same as allowing myself to be disregarded and abused, because the quality and well-being of my life is directly related to the quality and well-being of the physical ecosystem as the resources which my physical human body requires to exist and thrive here.

I commit myself to consider that how I care for this world is how I care for myself, and thus if I allow this world to be abused, I am allowing myself to be abused, thus I commit myself to do what it takes to ensure that the system we have in place does not support the abuse of the earth, but cares for the earth.

I commit myself to realize it will be a process that will take time to transition from a system which abuse life to a system which care for life, and so I commit myself to being constant and consistent in the bringing forth of a new system until it is here in fact, and I commit myself to immediately consider solutions whenever a point of abuse is discovered, and implementing the best possible solution for all.

I commit myself to not disregard myself as life, and gift to myself the gift of life, within standing up for life and ensuring that this physical reality is cared for as I would like to be cared for myself.

I commit myself to realizing that without the physical reality I do not exist here, and this implies that I am equal to this physical existence and should thus treat this world as my home, with utmost care and dignity, so that I in fact give to myself the utmost care and dignity.

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