Day 20 - We are The Living Dead

For context watch part 1 of the documentary series The Living Dead & listen to the interview Life Review - the Strategic Soldier

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that the stories of history have been manipulated by the winners in history to make the winners always seem right and good.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the winner as good/right when there is nothing good/right about war/fighting/competition.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that the stories and mythologies of the past have been and are used to manipulate people based on memories and feelings to spur people to certain actions against one another, where based on something that is seen as positive as ‘pride for one’s country’ one will justify to maim and kill another from another country, even though we are all equal as humans on this earth and ‘country’ is should be just a location as that is what it actually is, not a reason to separate from each other and cause harm to another.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel like one ‘belongs to something special’ and thus is ‘special’, because of one’s past as one’s history, irrelevant to who one actually is here now.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I could be made to feel ‘special’ based on memories and pictures, that this indicates that I was actually feeling inferior in the first place.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if I am feeling inferior, that the solution is not in memories and feelings, as those are just experiences and mirages that have nothing to do with who I actually am in reality, and thus memories and feelings cannot make me ‘more’ than who I am here, but can only make me ‘feel’ that way, and thus I delude myself to reality, and to actually face and deal with the feelings of inferiority, which I cause within myself, by judging myself for not living to my fullest potential, instead of simply living to my fullest potential and expanding myself here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that what goes on in war as the brutal killing of each other, shows that this is not a world of common sense or reason, as it simply does not make sense to be engaged in an activity where we actually are killing another human being, as when we see them lying there dead, we realize that they are the same as me, and I would not want to be killed and suffer that way, so why are we allowing this to exist?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see or realize that the messages and pictures shown to us in and around war times such as video footage has been constructed in such a way to make one’s own country look like ‘the good guy’ and the other country ‘the bad guy’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see how we as individuals do this on a personal level wherein we’ll deliberately lie and manipulate information make ourselves look good in a situation and the other look bad.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that the ‘enemy’ is always made to look bad in order to make one’s own country and what one’s own government/military is doing to not look as bad in comparison.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ‘bury’ what has happened in the past in order that it can be forgotten, to try to pretend it never happened because I don’t want to face what I have become/have done, and in an attempt to protect my image, when actually the way to ensure that I have the best ‘image’ would be to not waste time trying to control an image of myself, and actually live what it is I want to be perceived as, and thus it wouldn't be an 'image' and I would not be a fake trying to present and live as an image, but a real being with integrity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that to stand for and support ‘my country’ means that I am not standing for and supporting the whole of humanity as one, and thus I am participating in separating ourselves into teams that are in competition with each other.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that human nature is what we accept and allow it to be and thus why/how we are actually able to program humans to enjoy violence and harm, and thus we are responsible for the abuse and harm in the world as we have accepted and allowed ourselves to program ourselves and to enjoy causing harm.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is no winner in war, there is no right side, as the fact that war exists indicates that we are accepting allowing extensive abuse to take place and exist in the world which we all exist in, that any of us could find ourselves on the ‘losing side’ of, and thus to actually win, would mean that no war or abuse exists anywhere.

I commit myself to realizing that war is the result of not considering all ‘sides’ equally, as when one is left out, they must ‘fight for themself’, their ‘right’, their survival, thus, by not considering the other equal to ourself, we create conflict.

I commit myself to see and identify when I am participating in this behavior/mind set where when I ‘perceive’ a threat to my interest, where I feel that ‘I must look out for myself as my interest is not being considered here’ mindset, wherein I’m seeing the other person as only considering themself, and thus fear that I will be taken advantage of if I don’t ‘stand up and fight for my own interest’, and stopping participation. 

I commit myself to realizing that when we stick to practicality in doing what is best for all in any given situation, there is nothing to fear, nothing to defend, as when a decision requires to be made, you simply look at the situation and see what the best solution is for all, and implement that solution, and within this you are considered equally to everyone else, thus you will not be compromised nor will you compromise anyone.

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