Day 18 - What Is Fear?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider where do my fears even come from? How are they created?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to just take my fears for granted like they are normal to experience and a 'part of being human', thus just accepting them without even understanding what they are or where they come from.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that fear in some way helps me or assists me, when I look at the actuality fear as an energetic reaction based on participation in thoughts has never actually assisted me or the situation I was in, or anyone that I know of, it has only manifested consequences by taking your attention aware from here and paying attention instead to thoughts and pictures in your mind, then you miss what's happening in reality and you make mistakes and have accidents, and manifest that which you fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself believe that it's not possible to stop my fears, not realizing it is an energetic reaction that I gave permission to in the first place to be activated, and gave it permission over and over until it became an automated habit, and thus I can actually deprogram the habit by no longer giving permission to the reaction, until it no longer occurs.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that fear is a preprogrammed design as evidenced by the fact that most of humanity shares the exact same fears with each other with only some minor variations between individuals but the design of each fear is always the exact same from person to person.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself come up with justifications as to why I have these fears, not realizing that within justifying the fears I am actually validating the fears, when they are not real as they only exist if I participate in them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to realize that I create my fears, and thus when I experience fear I am actually fearing myself, as what we fear is what is here that we have accepted and allowed to exist here, and not taken responsibility for to change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself not realize that fear makes no sense in terms of that it's an experience that we allow within ourselves that we experience toward what we've created, thus there is really no reason to participate in the experience of fear, when it's not real, it's a self-created experience, and by participating in it you will manifest that which you fear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to keep myself in limitation because of my fears, which I have created and given permission to in the first place, instead of stopping my participation in the fears so that I can actually live effectively in this world and not trap myself within self-justified limitations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the solution to fear is to stop trapping oneself in the fear towards a condition we have created and allowed here, and to find effective solutions to what is here, then that which we are fearing can not even exist, but firstly this requires to stop the participation in the fear within oneself, as participation in the fear is what keeps one from effectively facing and dealing with the situation in reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that if we face what we fear and correct it so that what we fear no longer exists, that this indicates that what I fear is that which I have accepted and allowed to form in this world without consideration of whether it is best for life or whether it abuse life, thus fear is the result of that I have allowed conditions to exist which are abusive to life and self as life, and thus I fear facing those conditions, because I have allowed them to exist in my world and am not doing what it takes to remove such abuse from existence.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if we live in self honesty not hiding anything or hiding from anything but facing what is here in this reality as myself as what I have accepted and allowed, then no fear exists, as I stand here stable as myself and take self responsibility for what is here, within the realization that to take responsibility for what is here and face the shit we have created, and sort it out, means that we'll create a world that is heaven on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that fear is a construct that keeps me from realizing myself as it keeps me trapped in limitation and not expanding myself into and as my world, but accepting things as they are, so that I never change and my world never change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that fear exist as energy generated within the mind consciousness system, which when I live as these fears and allow myself to experience these fears as real and as myself, I am existing as a preprogrammed energetic reaction, and thus not here as myself as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that when I justify participating in fears within the mind CONsciousness system I am actually conning myself into accepting self limitation by allowing myself to be controlled, bound and enslaved to my own self-created fears.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I manifest my fears by participating in them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that to live without my fears will be such a relief literally, as living as fears is stressful and takes a toll on the physical, as you can see the examples shown by those who live their lives in constant fear and worry you can watch as their physical literally  rot and shrivel away as time passes and they continue extensive participation in their fears.

I commit myself to not accepting things 'the way they are' when I do not even understand how or why it exists/is created.

I commit myself to take nothing 'for granted' as there is always a cause, as this reality is a cause & effect reality, and to take something for granted is to accept myself to remain in ignorance and thus a slave to what is here within accepting a limited understanding of my world, thus I commit myself to educating myself about my world and what is here.

I commit myself to stop participating in fears, within the realization that they are not real and that they require my actual participation to exist and to control, enslave, and limit me, while depleting my human physical body and causing 'aging'.

I commit myself to sort myself out within stopping my fears so that I can then take on the conditions that we've created in this world to stop manifesting the conditions which we fear.

I commit myself to realizing that there is never any valid justification to participate in a mind construct of fear, as to do so is to limit, bind, and enslave myself to a system to keep me in-fear-ior in this world and never standing up and expanding myself to become someone that has a real impact here in this world in bringing this world into equality and a dignified life for all.

To hear some of my personal experience with fear:

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