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Featured Artwork by Matti Freeman |
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as the My Way character where I hold onto beliefs and ideas of what I want/need/desire to happen, as a picture/image/idea of how I’d like things to go, that I feel justified in because of the various reasons that I believe I need/require reality to go according to the picture in my mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by participating in the My Way character that I am responsible for this world existing within competition and self interest, as that is what I am participating in myself, when living as the My Way character, in holding on to how ‘I want things to go’, in total disregard for what would be best for everyone in a given situation.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the belief that I hold in the idea of which way is best for me as how I apparently need/want/require reality to go in order to have the best outcome for me, is actually just a belief and thus not based in reality, as I have not made sure or checked that ‘my way’ is actually aligned with what would actually be what is best for me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that within living as the My Way character, I am essentially saying ‘I want you to consider My Way’ and within this not considering the other person at all, and thus I am actually the one that is being spiteful within expecting the other to consider My Way when I am not even doing the same for them as I am not considering them at all, but only what I think is best for myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by holding onto and fighting for and defending My Way that I am actually disregarding everyone and everything else, and thus putting everyone and everything else in the very position of having to ‘fend for themselves’ because I am not considering them, and thus I am further perpetuating the endless cycles of competition against one another that we have always been existing as.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that there is no ‘My Way’ as what is best for me that is separate from what is best for All, as the only way to ensure that I have the best life is to ensure that All Everywhere have the best life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the simple solution of considering all equally is what will lead to a world that is best for all including myself, as it is all of us collectively living as individual points in competition with one another and holding onto ideas of ‘My Way’ as how ‘I want things to go for me’ and not considering if what it is that we are wanting/fighting for/defending is what is causing the very problem in the first place, where we’ve accepted reality as one in which we must fight to get ‘our way’ instead of creating a reality in which we’re all supported effectively from the get-go, where then there would be no one to fight or compete against, as we’d all be taken care of.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I must become the solution of living as the example of considering all equally, and stop only considering a ‘My Way’ that is separate from the consideration of all, in order to end this situation of having to ‘look out for ourselves’ when we’re really only looking out for ourselves from each other, which doesn’t make any sense, as we can simply agree to work together in creating a life that is best for all, instead of accepting a world where we must compete, when we have every capability to provide every single being with what is needed to have a dignified life here.
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