Day 76: Commitment Statements on the ‘I Don’t Know What/How to Write’ Character

I commit myself to realize that the thoughts that come up in my mind as the picture of me failing to write effectively is not ever real, and thus I commit myself to stop participating in and living as the ‘I don’t know how/what to write’ character.

I commit myself to realize that when I believe in the picture illusion as real that I remove myself from reality as I’m only acting according to a ‘perception’ which is not actual reality, and thus I commit myself to recognize when I am accepting pictures/images in my mind that comes from memories/past experiences to shape my view of reality, so that I can stop believing in a picture that isn’t real, and see directly actual reality here.

I commit myself to realize that a picture is always just a picture, regardless if it ‘seems real’ or how much I believe it, a picture is a picture and not reality.

I commit myself to realize that believing in pictures is enslaving myself to my mind as I am allowing myself to be completely directed by the pictures my mind is showing me, where I allow the mind to direct me using pictures of positive/negative experiences and just like a robot can be steered according to these negative pictures/positive pictures, where I’ll seek out the picture as the experience I’ve defined as ‘positive’ and avoid the experience I’ve defined as negative, where within this there is no self directive principle as I’m not in control of myself but am enslaved to pictures.

I commit myself to realize what's going on when I participate in this character of 'not knowing how to write' is that I'm actually accepting and allowing myself to be/remain limited in ensuring that I don't take the actions that would lead me to expand myself in my ability to write, and thus I commit myself to taking the actions that lead to me expanding myself.

I commit myself to realize that the positive and negative feelings I've attached toward the picture/image thought of failing to write something, are not real and are actually self manipulation where I create positive/negative feeling experiences within myself to manipulate my behavior and to determine the choices I make, and thus I commit myself to find and identify all the positive/negative feelings I have attached to pictures/thoughts so that I can see exactly how/where I manipulate myself, and stop.

I commit myself to realize that I do not require to know how to write something before I've written it, as it requires an actual process walked in the physical of actually placing words in the physical within a structure and sequence, and thus I commit myself to 'getout of my head' as wanting to have 'prior knowledge' of how to do something, and realize that you can't 'know how to do something', you have to actually walk it in the physical, and thus if I'm always waiting to do something to first 'know' how to do it, then I will never do anything, and thus this 'wanting/needing to know' is actually a trap where I keep myself from actually doing anything and moving and walking in expansion of myself and my abilities.

I commit myself to stop abusing the physical through participation in the 'I don't know how/what to write' character, within the stress and tension that I cause within my physical body from the thoughts/emotions/feelings that I participate in as this character.

I commit myself to utilize the thoughts that come up in my mind as tools that are showing me exactly how/where I've subjugated myself to my mind, by allowing myself to be directed and manipulated by images/pictures as the thoughts that come up in my mind, so that I can stop all participation in self manipulation through participation in characters whose purpose is to generate energetic feeling experiences within myself at the expense of the physical, and rather live here as an actual real being that is not subject to pictures and preprogrammed predesigned reactions to pictures based on memories, which aren't who I really am, because life isn't a memory.

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