Day 25 – The Marketing of Happiness is Madness

For context watch The Marketing of Madness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that unhappiness is a result of ‘chemical imbalances’, totally ignoring the state of the reality of this world in the insanity that daily takes place, with the majority of the earth’s population trapped in wage slavery to a small group of elites, and that for anyone to actually be ‘happy’ within such a situation they would have to be delusional, and thus ‘happiness’ within the world as it currently exist would be the actual mental disorder, as insanity is what can be expected within a world where most suffer and do not have a dignified life with adequate & quality food, water, shelter, healthcare, education.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that if unhappiness is due to ‘chemical imbalances, then you can get happiness in a pill, which supposedly has the ability to balance your chemicals, without actually investigating what is the cause of my unhappiness, and whether it is due to who and what I am living as and how I am accepting and allowing this world my reality to exist, and then taking the necessary action and changing myself or my world, until actual happiness, as satisfaction with myself and my world, is achieved.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a drug can be used to cure a psychological disorder, when there is not even any physical evidence of chemical imbalances and thus there is no physical evidence to verify actual results of whether a drug has balanced one’s chemicals or not.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe anything that psychology has to say when it suggests to take a pill to stop chemical imbalance, but does not suggest stopping emotions and feelings, which are chemical reactions that take place within the physical body, utilizing the resources of the physical body and causing imbalances which the physical must do it’s best to sort out.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that if psychology is suggesting to take pills, instead of assisting and supporting the human in how to stop participation in and enslavement to emotions and feelings produced by the mind consciousness system, then psychology is useless as it does not address nor consider solutions to the primary cause of all chemical imbalance in existence, which is the mind consciousness system and the human being’s participation in and as it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that the agenda of the pharmaceutical industry is to sell pills, not cure anyone of anything, as the major pharmaceutical companies are corporations which are legally required to make profit, and thus profit is the goal and not the well-being of the human.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that I am the cause of chemical imbalances within my body, as every thought, feeling & emotion I participate in is a chemical reaction that has an effect on my human physical body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am an organic robot with a mind consciousness system, designed to create for me emotional and feeling experiences according to how it has been programmed throughout my life, as the personality I have designed myself as, as how I react to particular situations in my world and the relationships I’ve formed toward what is here within my world that I interact with. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not consider that any substance I introduce into my body, my body must adjust to such substance, and thus by taking drugs is giving the body another thing to balance on top of the unbalancing that I already cause from participation in and as a personality that is subject to emotion/feeling chemical reactions, and thus I should rather avoid adding yet more things for my human physical body to deal with, unless it is absolutely necessary.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if actual real happiness could come in a pill, that pill would have to be able to change the entire situation on earth and within this change the nature of every human being on earth to a nature that does not accept and allow the abuse of oneself as one’s physical, or of the physical reality as nature and the animals and environment as equal to oneself, so that we live and exist in such a way that we create a world where life is supported and respected, and that obviously a pill cannot do that and it is we that must take self responsibility to change ourselves as our nature to become beings that care to create a reality where happiness is a reality that is lived everywhere by everyone, as real satisfaction in the physical, as a world where each and every individual is supported with everything that one require to live and thrive, and not just a chemical reaction within one’s mind consciousness system, which is only an energetic experience like a drug, and not what one actually lives as the actual state of one’s real reality in the physical.

I commit myself to bringing about real happiness in the world, which means investigating myself and stopping the abuse of my physical human body through participation in thoughts, feelings &emotions that utilize the resources of my body and throw it out of balance, so that I can live here constant and stable as who I am, not subject and enslaved to preprogrammed chemical reactions.

I commit myself to realizing that there are no ‘quick fixes’ like a magical pill that can make you happy, as the reason you are not happy is not because you haven’t been taking that pill, thus taking the pill is looking for a solution while ignoring the actual cause, and if you do not stop the cause of the problem, then you are obviously going to have to always take that pill, and the body can only take so much and for so long, and will eventually fail and succumb to various maladies, which is not what one has in mind when deciding to walk down that path. And thus-

I commit myself to investigating the actual solution to the problem of chemical imbalances which is participation in and as the mind consciousness system as thoughts, feeling & emotions, to stop subjecting my physical human body to chemical reactions that are unnatural to the physical and act like a parasite sucking the very life out of the physical until it wither and die and kick me as the being out as it can literally take no more of the abuse and finally fails.

I commit myself to respecting my physical as equal to myself as what allows me to be here experiencing myself as a physical being in this physical reality, where if we all live to create a world where happiness is real, this world will be quite a cool place, beyond what we can even yet imagine.

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