Day 3: Lifestyle & Poverty

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that simply changing my lifestyle as changing what I purchase to consume within the options that are marketed and made available to me is all that is required to have a real impact to change the world, without considering if these options are available to all, and whether or not every individual is able to apply them within this not taking everything into consideration, such as individuals who are not supported by the current system to have options or the means to utilize them.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can have a real impact on changing the world by changing my buying habits.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to consider that I am one of a small minority of the population that has the ability to have choice within what I buy because I live in the elite parts of the world that is supported by the current system.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to accept a system in which inequality exists, where so many are allowed to be living in poverty and only a few are supported, where within accepting such a system, I am actually responsible for the poverty that is created within it, and thus it is my responsibility to stand up for another way and to correct the situation to no longer create poverty and the extensive and unnecessary suffering that comes from it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that lifestyle changes such as 'being vegan' or 'being vegetarian' is an effective way to stop animal abuse in the world, when the majority of the world do not have the ability to choose what they eat because they do not have money, they do not have large grocery stores where they are provided with various options to buy but have to go through all kinds of extremes just to find food to eat to survive to the next moment, within that having no choice in what one eats but having to literally take what one can get, and as the majority of the population live that way and thus have no choice in their dietary habits, promoting dietary change as a solution to animal abuse is not effective as not everyone can apply such changes in their life.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that the majority of the world's population is living in poverty, and that the lifestyle I live where I have access to everything I need, and access to computers and the internet, is a lifestyle that only exists for a small minority of the world's population.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to consider that any other kind or quality of life exists beyond what I know and have experienced as/within my personal world and my personal life.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to ignore the state of the rest of the world living in poverty, because 'I am ok'.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to ignore the poverty in the world out of fear for my own survival, wherein I 'don't want to complain/rock the boat', because I fear to 'jeopardize' my own position of support within the system because I do not want to 'meet the same fate' as those in poverty, within this sabotaging myself and humanity within not facing the problem which would lead to finding an solution that would effectively end poverty, but instead remaining within my fear and allowing the problem to continue and thus the threat that I may share the same fate, when we can simply stop poverty from existing altogether.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to consider that only solutions that can be applied by all will have an actual impact on the world.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to consider that lifestyle and dietary changes are used and promoted by companies to sell products to make profit, and because it will not bring actual change it does not threaten their ability to make profits, thus they use such lifestyle concepts to their advantage while the abuse continue.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to consider that if I actually care about ending animal abuse, I must actually investigate solutions to ensure that they will bring about the change I am working toward.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to accept the apparent 'solutions' presented to me within and through the media, not checking the information myself to see if it is a valid solution that will bring about the intended change.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe and trust in the information that is presented in this world by 'professionals' not questioning for myself whether or not the information is valid and whether it is in line with what is best for life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept a society where 'professionals' exist, where all are not given equal access to education, and thus those who are not educated become dependent on the 'professionals' which is taken advantage of to profit off of those who haven't been assisted and supported within being educated to be able to do things for themselves.

I forgive myself that  have accepted and allowed myself to accept a system which is geared only to make profits at the expense of all life.

I commit myself to consider what must be done and what is actually required to be able to have a real impact in the world, in changing the world from one of abuse to a world in which life is supported.

I commit myself to educate myself on how this world operates and what the actual situation of humanity is so that I can consider what are actual solutions to the problems we face.

I commit myself to considering that I am not the only being here on this earth, I am one of nearly 7 billion, and thus solutions must be considered which are able to be applied by everyone for actual change to occur.

I commit myself to investigating the information that is presented by 'professionals' within common sense to see whether the information presented is valid in that it stands for what is best for life and what will support humanity in being and becoming beings that care for life rather than allow life to be abused for profit.

I commit myself to consider that a lifestyle change within changing what I buy, will not lead to change in the world as I am part of a small minority that has choice in what I buy.

I commit myself to consider that the apparent choice I have in what I buy is all specifically provided by companies seeking to make a profit and not working in the best interest of all life, and thus no matter what I buy, unless the system itself is changed, the abuse done for profit will not stop.

I commit myself to investigating how the economic system to operates so that I can become aware of in specificity how the abuse is created and thus how to find solutions to end the abuse that will actually work, because I have actually taken everything into consideration as how this world and system currently functions and the current state/nature/mentality of humanity.

I commit myself to stop accepting a system which abuses life for profit and to do what it takes to implement an Equal Money System - as it is a system that support life in which abuse for profit will not exist, poverty will not exist, lack of education will not exist, 'professionalism' for profit will not exist, marketing 'lifestyles' for profit will not exist, where education will actually educate one on how to actually take care of ourselves and our world, where none will be denied education for lack of money, where the products we make will be based on what is actually supportive and not based on what can be marketed and sold for a profit.

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