Day 1: Patterns & Cycles

As humanity, we've been existing in cycles of patterns, never considering how the patterns that we're living as are manifesting this world, this reality, to be one in which extensive abuse occurs in each and every moment - we're not considering how we are actually the cause of this and the creators of this world, and that shows that we are actually less than our creation.

We have become slaves to the patterns we live out, because we don't even understand/see/realize that we're even existing as patterns, where we constantly cycle the past as our memories within who and what we live as. 

It's here that I begin a 7 year process of deconstructing these patterns one at a time, through applying self forgiveness on the patterns and committing myself to living the correction. Within this process, I'll be applying self forgiveness on the patterns, whether or not the pattern is within my direct life - as it exists within this world, and if I cannot face what is here, I accept the same limitation for all who face such point.

This to equalize myself to what is here, so that if I ever were to face such a point, I will have placed direction for myself to stand in such a situation and direct myself within the principle of what is best for all life.

So, I'll start with applying self forgiveness on the points I've mentioned here thus far -
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that if I am existing as pre-programmed patterns and cycles, then who I am is not actually 'life', as I am not here in each moment as myself, but only existing as pre-designed patterns that I live out as myself, and thus I who I am and have been is a pre-programmed robot.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to consider that if I am not here stable, constant in who I am within each and every moment, that this implies that I am not actually 'life', that who I am is not actually real, if who I am fluctuate from moment to moment based on the patterns that I have developed as my personality throughout my life, and now live out and according those memories and experiences from the past.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that the experiences I have where I experience emotions/feelings/thoughts that are based on memories/the past indicate that I am not here as myself in each and every moment, but am existing as the past, and thus existing as just memory repeating itself.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that if I experience emotions/feelings/thoughts coming up inside of me, that this indicates I have separated myself from my myself, within a mind consciousness system through which I experience emotions/feelings/thoughts based on past experiences/memories, and thus that I am not here as myself in each and every moment.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that the emotions/thoughts/feelings that come up in a moment as an experience within myself are actually who I am, and thus take them for granted and not question why they are there, how they function, and what is the consequence of participating in those thoughts/feelings/emotions.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that this world as how it is currently manifested with extensive suffering and abuse taking place in each and every moment is the result of who we are as who and what we've accepted and allowed ourselves to be, within the patterns and cycles of abuse we have accepted ourselves to exist as, generation through generation, passing on the cycles of abuse and never seeing/considering that we are actually responsible for manifesting this world as it is, and within that that it is thus our responsibility to stop existing as cycles and patterns of abuse, and walk ourselves into correction, to manifest a world which is best for all life.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to take for granted the way I've always existed, not seeing/realizing/remembering how I've formed myself as a personality consisting of patterns of abuse and justification as to why the world 'is the way it is' and that I am not responsible, within this not realizing that by accepting and allowing myself to exist as a pre-programmed personality that I am in fact responsible for what is here as I am existing as the same cycles and patterns of abuse that take place within this world at large.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to give in to reasons/excuses/justifications as to how/why I am not responsible for what is here and who/what I am existing as, within this not realizing that I am justifying my own limitation, wherein I accept myself as pre-programmed and do not give myself and all of life the gift of stopping patterns and cycles of abuse, as I have accepted who I am and thus do not change myself to stop self limitations.

I commit myself to investigating myself to see where/how I exist as patterns and cycles of past experiences/memories and releasing myself from these patterns through self forgiveness - so that I can stop existing as a repetition of the past as past experiences, and live here as myself in each and every moment.

I commit myself to consider that by taking self responsibility through self forgiveness, I will actually change and expand myself and become a real self directed being that is actually here in this reality, rather than within my mind within preprogrammed experiences, and thus missing what is here, missing life, missing opportunities to expand myself within this actual physical reality.

I commit myself to investigate the thoughts/feelings/emotions I experience and see what patterns I am accepting and allowing myself to exist as by participating within these patterns, and what the consequences are within my life and my world of living as these patterns, so that I may become aware of how I create my life and my world and my experience to take self responsibility to change who and what I live as so that I can make sure that who and what I am living as will manifest a world that is best for all life.

I commit myself to consider that when I participate in justifications in order to not change myself and remain as I am as a pre-programmed personality, that I am in fact trapping myself within limitation and denying myself the gift of allowing myself to expand myself to my full potential.

I commit myself to consider how what I accept and allow to exist within myself, I also accept and allow to exist in all others, and thus I am responsible for how this world exists within what I accept and allow for myself.

I commit myself to investigating myself to see what patterns/cycles I am existing as and to release myself from them through applying self forgiveness, in specificity, so that I can see my application within my writing and who/what I am living as and to ensure the words I write when lived will have a result that is best for all.

I commit myself to consider that by taking responsibility for myself and correcting myself through self forgiveness and commitment to correction, that I actually empower myself to have an ability to respond within this reality and stand equal to what I have created, and become a benevolent creator which create a world that is best for all life, which means that I create a world that is best for myself as I am part of the all.

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