Day 200: Learning is a Process (Part 2) – My Personal Experience

So did not understanding how learning works have any significant impact in my life? Let's take a look.

By the way, this post is a continuation from the previous post Day 199: Learning is a Process - Did you Know That? So if you haven't read that, you'll want to start there first.

One of the first and probably the most significant ways it impacted me was in school. In the beginning I was pretty good at all the various subjects. Yet as time went on, things became increasingly more complex, there was more information to work with and more skill required, and I started making more mistakes. As I was making more mistakes, I took this to mean there is something wrong with me, because I hadn't been making so may mistakes before and took this as a sign that I am 'failing' instead of realizing that it is part of the learning process itself.

So as this pattern continued throughout school, and it is really exacerbated by the way schools are set up currently, as you don't really get 'second chances' at anything, so it's like this misunderstanding of how learning work si s built into the very structure of the school system itself, because if it was understood that it takes time and effort and repetition to effectively learn and integrate something, it wouldn't be designed this way where you have a certain amount of time to get it, and if you don't get it in that time, oh well. If it was understood that it's going to take as long as it takes for each individual to effectively understand and integrate something, this would be reflected in the design of school curriculum, where the courses/lessons would be able to fit according to what each student requires, if the purpose of school is really to educate. Because the way it is now, it is really about putting you through a one-shot course where you either make it or you don't, so there is no checking to make sure that each student has really learned the material or skill and if they haven't then making sure that each student has what they need to do so. That doesn't happen at all.

So as I progressively made more mistakes, and feeling like 'maybe I just can't do this' / 'I'm not smart' / 'I'm not good at school', this led to thinking that 'I don't like school', because who would really want to be going through such an experience of failing and thinking that it is something wrong with you, and so you are really believing that there is no real point to being in school and studying these things anymore if you apparently don't have the 'capacity' for it, because making mistakes I took as a sign that I am failing or something is going wrong, like mistakes just shouldn't be happening. Like if you're good at something, you don't make mistakes, or maybe just in rare cases. Which of course is because I didn't understand how learning works and that mistakes really are part of the process, and so they're really not 'mistakes'. I mean, if you are 'good' at something, you will maybe not make many mistakes, but I didn't realize that it takes a process to become 'good at something', it is not something just automatic/built it/part of you like magic.

I did manage to graduate from high school, and after you finish high school many students will go on to college, but I did not. I avoided college like the plague just to avoid the classwork and homework, and I said it was because I didn't have the money and that was indeed true, but I didn't even look into or ask anyone if there were any other options like scholarships or grants, which I did vaguely know about, I knew there were possibilities, but I was so 'done' with school because it was 'such a hassle', and by this point I really quite believed I just 'wasn't cut out for it'.

So these are major life decisions, that were all determined by not understanding how learning works, because that shaped even my entire perception of myself! And who I am, what I can and can't do, what I am apparently not capable of! And none of it was true. I mean, I wasn't lacking skills because I didn't have the capability, I just didn't understand that skills are acquired through a process, where you practice until you get to a point where it is now a 'natural' ability because you've integrated it so much that now it comes 'naturally'.

Now, I essentially was questioning myself in everything I'd do in my life – because I didn't have a proper understanding of what all is ivolved when one is 'naturally' 'talented' or 'gifted' or 'skilled' in something – believing this meant you could 'just do it' like magic, that the ability was just 'in you' somehow, not realizing there's a process involved, nothing comes out of thin air, except maybe our money, but that's another topic altogether – you aren't born an amazing singer or songwriter. I mean, I remember hearing interviews and comments from accomplished singers or songwriters and when asked 'how they do it' they'll respond something like 'I don't know, I just do it, it just comes naturally for me' and so perpetuating the idea that you can just 'have an ability' like magic, like in the matrix for example where you could just download kung fu for example and then instantly you can do it.

And so I believed it must be this 'knack' that either you have or you don't I mean even take the title of this show for example 'who's got talent' as if it's 'something you've got or you don't' and we often see this as meaning that either it's 'in you or it's not' like you either have the ability already within you, and if you don't then you're not an artist or singer or songwriter or whatever. Because we often only see the finished products, we don't for the most part see the practicing and the 'mistakes' and all the effort that was involved in creating the finished product. We hear a great singer perform a song flawlessly and we think 'wow, how on earth did they do that?' / 'wow, they're so talented'.

But it is actually a simple common sense reality point, where if you knew that someone is practicing something say everyday, what would you expect to happen eventually – they're going to get better at it. So it's not really anything special in a magical sense. It's a simple input/output equation – you get out what you put in. So it is really interesting that we tend to react with a kind of shock or reverence when someone is really good at something, but really if you are practicing something to the point of perfection, then achieving such a result is not a surprise, it is the natural outflow of self-disciplined practicing and application over time. I mean, if you put all the ingredients together for a cake and put it in a pan and put it in the oven for the appropriate temperature and time, you are reasonably going to expect the result of all this to be – a cake.

But I didn't get that and so whenever I was doing some singing or sat down to do some art maybe drawing or painting, I would constantly be like observing and judging 'how it is going' and according to how I perceive it is going as either positive or negative, or successful or unsuccessful - questioning whether I 'am an artist or not'. So for example, if as I'm going along and the drawing or painting isn't turning out how I'd imagined or wanted it to, or if I don't like the picture that is developing, then I would start thinking 'maybe I can't do this' / 'I'm just not an artist' because apparently if I 'was an artist' it would just be working and everything I do would turn out wonderfully and perfectly without even really having to try apparently.

So when it was pointed out to me and explained how learning is actually a process, and I looked back through my life and saw, that the things that I did do well in life, I had actually spent a lot of time and effort into learning and practicing it. For example with knitting, it was something I was really determined to learn and so I just kept at it, and eventually I got to an expert level in knitting and teaching others to knit and going on to more and more complex knitting challenges and such. And then, what was interesting, is others who saw my skill with knitting would say 'oh you're so talented' / 'you've really got a knack for that' / 'you're such an artist' – yet I knew the grueling hard work that I went through to get to that point, I mean there were times in the beginning as I was teaching myself how to knit, that I would get so lost and frustrated in it (mostly because I had no one to teach me and was learning from very non-descriptive books at a time where you couldn't yet just 'google' anything on the internet, nowadays there are numerous sources from which you can much more easily learn to knit with very detailed video tutorials) that I would just say 'to hell with this' and I would just stop knitting for a couple months, but then I would eventually pick it up again and keep going. So, I saw the only difference between me and those who didn't have this skill with knitting, was that I simply put in the time and effort and kept going, and didn't give in to thoughts and ideas and beliefs that I apparently 'couldn't do it', or it's 'not me', 'I'm not a knitter', 'it's not for me', and I just kept going. And so I made sure to always explain this point – where I could have just said 'yeah it's just what I do' or 'I just have a knack for it' but I did not want to perpetuate a false idea, which would then hinder others as well from applying themselves to learn skills for themselves.

I also saw that another dimension to this point, of believing that you've either 'got it' or you don't – is actually used as an excuse to not apply oneself, like if one has a resistance to being disciplined and putting in time and effort, then it is convenient to say 'I just can't do it'. Then you don't even have to try, because you think you'd rather not put in the effort, but not realizing that within this, you actually limit yourself because you don't get anything for nothing, despite what our economy would have you believe where stores can give away things 'for free' apparently, yet nothing is free as it all took labor to produce it, and so if you're getting it for free, then you know someone isn't getting paid for their labor!

So fascinatingly, you can see how we haven't recognized the labor it takes to develop a skill, nor the labor it takes to produce things in this reality – so this misunderstanding takes place on various levels of life in various dimensions. The key point that missed here, is that this is how the physical reality functions. It takes effort to live and exist here. It takes effort to expand ourselves into more than what we already are. And as we more and more think we want to avoid effort, the more and more we diminish ourselves, which actually makes life harder, and makes the effort that is necessary to be done to support ourselves seem even harder.

Yet, what have we seen with those who have become an expert in one skill or another – that once you have effectively become it, it is then a 'natural' ability, where it is practically effortless, because you integrated it to the point where it is like breathing, and have a look – breathing is not hard is it? You even do it in your sleep. So this is another Important point about the learning ability that wasn't understood either – that the effort you put in is to your benefit and that that effort and consistent self disciplined application is what would actually lead to things being easier.

In the next post - we'll take a look at how my life has changed since I've put these realizations into application, and now can do things that I never thought I could, gaining skills where I once thought it was impossible and it just keeps going!

Suggested Reading:

Day 294: Natural Learning Ability of the Feral Child

Day 297: Natural Learning Ability and Sound Tonality of Words

Day 295: Natural Learning Ability – Parenting Responsibility

Day 435: Basic Income Guaranteed and Education

Day 199: Learning is a Process - Did you Know That?

So here I want to share what I've come to realize, which for most of my life I did not realize or understand, and this led to a lot of confusion and consequence, and the fact that most of us humans don't realize this, leads to a vast amount of confusion and consequence on a global scale.

I have realized that learning is a process, now that may even seem kind of obvious at the moment, seems like it would be common sense, and yet, we don't live according to this basic fact, at all.

I mean, as parents we'll judge and react to a child who is doing something in a seemingly 'strange' way, simply because they haven't yet 'learned' how to properly do it. As parents, we'll get frustrated when we've told our child to do something a certain way but they don't get it right the first time and we'll get annoyed like I can't believe I have to explain this again, weren't you listening?? Listen when I tell you something! And here the child learns to associate 'not knowing something' as being 'bad' or 'negative'.

This will even lead to things like trying to hide what you don't know. Take for example the ability to read. That's kind of a biggie that we'll react to in various ways. Maybe feeling pity for an adult who can't read. And for an adult who doesn't read they can fear being stigmatized or feel like they are stupid or 'less than' in some way because they didn't learn to read for whatever reason. This also goes along with reading disabilities like Dyslexia for example, where individuals will feel embarrassed or ashamed for not being able to read effectively and it is to this day, actually treated like this is some problem with the person like there is apparently something wrong with them, because how learning works just isn't understood, at all.

What's fascinating is how we can have schools and educators that are trying to effectively teach but yet learning is still not understood. And that's because when learning is not understood by anyone, then the educators haven't effectively learned how to be effective trainers themselves. I mean, imagine trying to teach someone how to bake a cake if you don't even know how. This is basically what is going on now within our education systems, and why the majority of our cakes are coming out half-baked. That is to say, why our education system is not turning out effectively educated individuals, and why they have to keep lowering the standards just to make it look like they aren't really failing.

What we forget, is that learning what we know now took a process. If you can speak/read/write – it took years to learn that, years of daily application and practice in school. You had to actually sound out the letters and words, you had to move your face and mouth and learn how to shape the sounds into the words of the particular language of the society in which you grew up. You had to physically move your hand with the pen/pencil to shape the letters. And it did not come out perfectly at first. It was a lot of wobbly scribbles and goo-goo's and ga-ga's.

You have to actually go through a process of application over time moving yourself to learn a new skill/ability, we're not born with these abilities, we have to develop them. So, it really doesn't make any sense to judge or react to another being when they don't know something because – it is simply an indication of what they haven't learned yet. Which doesn't mean that they aren't able to learn it with time and application.

So, we've got it all backwards when we go into judgment toward another for not knowing something yet, because it's not that they are in some way lacking in themselves, because they may very well possess the potential and capability to learn the skill/ability, they just require to go through the necessary practical application steps to develop the ability.

So this misunderstanding is really a shame when we consider how children are being treated in our education systems as if there is some disability they have just because they haven't learned something effectively yet, because it takes time and they may just require some more time until they get effective at it. We don't all learn at the same speed – which is also an important factor to understand within how learning works, and why our education systems fail so many – because the school does not have the ability to cater to an individual child's needs. This is even the case in college as well.

There is no care to ensure that every student has effectively learned the material they are studying to their full potential, no – the way it is currently designed is you all have to go through the material at the same pace, and those few that can learn fast enough will be able to learn most of the material while the majority are not going to get all the material, and that's why you have so few at the top of the class making A's, while for most it's B's C' and D's and beyond. And the grades you get/how well you do in school are going to play a major role in what kind of life you are going to have, whether you will have enough money to have a dignified life, or not.

So the stakes are high, and we go through a lot of stress because of this point. In a post to come I'll share my personal experiences in how not understanding how learning works impacted my life, and how things have changed so much for the better now that I understand how it works, so that you can benefit from this understanding too.

For a real in-depth understanding in detail of just how the learning process works and how we have a natural learning ability, check out the interview series on Eqafe:

Perfecting the Human Race - Parenting

This series has been so valuable in that it is some of the most informative interviews I have ever heard about a subject that is so important as it affects all of us in all aspects of life.

Day 198: Are Poor People Stupid? - What's Really Going on There?

So as I was listening to a really excellent interview series from Eqafe called The Soul of Money, particularly interview part 31, and a really important point was brought up and explained in exquisite detail, which is the point that you really cannot judge those individuals in society who would be perceived as 'incompetent' or 'less competent' than the elite of the society. If you are one of those who believe that or think of such individuals as less than yourself, you are going to want to hear this interview, as it will show in great detail how it is that it happens that some individuals manifest this way, and that it is an outflow/result of multidimensional factors, and not in fact reflective of the particular individual's 'worth' or 'value' as a human being/member of society.

So what this in essence shows, is that those who have gone into judgment toward such individuals and making it personal, those who would judge the individuals who haven't had the same environmental influences/background/resources for turning out the way they do, is actually quite ignorant and an indication of a form of incompetence in itself, because it shows that you were/are not in fact aware of all the factors/variables determining the situation and the specific result/manifestation.

In other words, it's like judging a tree that has not grown into it's fullest possible expression as a tree, when throughout it's life and development it has lacked the necessary components with which to grow and develop to it's fullest potential. And yet, all the while, the tree always had the potential and capability to become a proper thriving tree.

So where individuals have not had the same access to resources, connections, money with which to support their living and basic physical needs properly, or access to proper education, will thus have smaller vocabularies, and there is even a study that shows that 1 in 4 children is stunted due to lack of proper nutrition. 

So those that would look particularly at the impoverished people of the so-called 'developing' or 'third-world' countries and would think of them as 'less-than' or 'inferior' is really erroneous from the perspective that they have the possibility just like anyone else to flourish and grow and develop, but have been robbed of that by being forced into the condition of poverty. And thus, it is actually quite evil in fact, not to mention quite stupid, to then judge these beings as less than, when not only did they possess the same potential as anyone else, but had that potential taken from them/denied them, while those that were supported by the system would then ignore all that they had received and had available in their lives that made them what they are today, such as sufficient money to afford proper ad timely health care, proper nutrition, and as the Soul of Money part 31 interview and also in several interviews leading up to this one, describes how this difference even extends to the dimension of our architecture/infrastructure that we have available which affects us on a deeper relationship level than what you may have realized.

Therefore if you consider yourself to have an accurate assessment of the world situation and how/why poverty exist, I would suggest to listen to this interview series in it's entirety if you are able to make the investment into your own self education, as it will increase your understanding multi-dimensionally so that you will have the full scope of what is really going on, how the economic/world system functions multi-dimensionally and the multi-dimensional consequences/outflows of it's current manifestation, how the world is manifested the way it is, why/how individuals can turn out so differently in terms of their development, thus to ensure that you've got the full picture, otherwise your interaction and relationship with the system will be consequential if you are coming from a limited perspective/understanding.

And obviously thus to consider that the fact that all indeed have the potential to become a fully functional human being, to support the implementation of a system which would support all individuals to reach their potential which would be done by the Basic Income Guaranteed proposal which you can learn more about/get involved here, and read the Basic Income Guaranteed blogs which you'll find here.

Day 197: Minimum Wage Falls Short - What Can We Do?

The minimum wage in Washington, the state in which I reside, is $9.19, yet studies have found that almost double that is what would be required for individuals to actually make ends meet.



Washington’s minimum wage falls short, report says

A single, unmarried worker in Washington state needs a wage of $16.13 an hour to make ends meet, according to an organization that studies the so-called living wage level around the country.

In fact, several states for which the actual living wage was calculated, would need more than double their current minimum wage standards.
How is it that we have a minimum wage, which is supposed to cover the minimum wage that is required to live, and yet – it doesn't. Are we really that bad at basic math? It is quite obvious that it's not enough, because if it really was enough, then we wouldn't have employed people who can't make ends meet. We wouldn't have people deciding to go with state assistance and not being employed because why bother to work when you're still not going to have enough money and you're going to have to work all the time. This is why we have such a problem with welfare abuse, because employment isn't really much of a better deal.

Anyone who works a minimum wage job knows – it's not enough. Even if you have a wage that is a few dollars above the minimum wage, it's still not enough. This is quite a serious problem. I mean, who decided to make the minimum wage not be enough to live? And why did we let them hold a government position to make such a decision? Why do we go on day after day struggling and getting deeper in debt. It's like we forgot that the law system is supposed to Serve us, not Enslave us.

More from the article above, which I definitely suggest you read the whole thing:
Gail Hammer, an assistant professor at Gonzaga University School of Law who specializes in poverty and family law, said the minimum wage would be close to $16 if it had been allowed to rise with inflation over the years.
People working for less often struggle with housing, health care, food, transportation and even legal problems, she said. Low-income workers may develop an attitude that the system isn’t fair, which undermines social structure.
“I don’t think keeping people in poverty makes any sense at all,” Hammer said.

Many of us have experienced this reality, where you have to choose between which bills to pay, or have to forgo necessary health care due to lack of money, which eventually leads to even more extensive problems when things are left untreated. As the situation worsens, more and more will face this reality as well. How bad does it have to get, how many have to be suffering, before we'll realize there's a problem and correct it.

We have a tendency to not fix something until it really breaks. You hear a strange noise coming from your car (if you can afford one) and you tell yourself 'ah it's probably nothing' and make excuses and you let it go, and it's not until some part actually falls off your car or it stops working completely, that you realize 'ok, now I really have to take it to the shop and get it fixed'. And now it is really a mess and it's probably going to cost a lot more to fix it, and maybe even it is just too damaged that it cannot even be fixed. And we could have saved ourself a lot of consequence if we'd just tended to it when we first noticed the signs of a potential problem.

Well I would say we are well beyond the first signs of a problem as the signs are all around us and are in almost every single one of our daily lives, affecting each one of our lives, our children's lives, and will affect their children's lives, should they decide to even have any in a world that isn't going to effectively support them but may just throw them into poverty and a life of enslavement. And we really don't want to get to the point where things really collapse, as then it will likely be too late to do much about it as we'll be really taken to an extreme level of struggling to survive that you don't even want to imagine.

So, we're all aware of the problem, so – what do we Do about it?

Clearly we need to correct the law which is supposed to Serve and Support us to Actually Do So. We need to set the minimum wage to that which would afford a dignified life where one would have all your needs met, and have enough to do what one would like to do in life as well, because we are not working just to survive. There is no point to that. What are we just lifeless batteries to power the profit machine until we're used up and replaced? Or are we working and creating value through our labor which means we should be living lives of value.

One proposal that stipulates an effective minimum wage, is the Basic Income Guaranteed. This is not the same as the Basic Income Grant which has the same anacronym (BIG), but has different principles. In the Basic Income Guaranteed there are two forms of incomes, one which is a Basic Income which one receive when not working, which is like welfare, but it would actually be an amount that is sufficient to cover all one's basic needs, which includes things like proper housing and healthcare. 

The second type of income is a Minimum Wage which is suggested to be double the Basic Income, so that it provides enough for the luxuries of life. This way, no matter what your situation, every individual would be supported to live effectively, and those who would like to work to have more will actually get more from working. Work would be worthwhile, and not something done out of force out of the desperate need to survive, which ends up with people doing jobs they'd really rather not in conditions that are not preferable to abusive, where the worker has no choice because it's really a matter of life or death. 

The Basic Income Guaranteed would remove the survival threat from the situation so that we can make decisions freely for once as to what we'd like to do. Therefore, I definitely suggest to investigate this movement and support it's implementation on a local and national level, because we deserve a proper life and it's time we stand up for our worth and value ourselves, and not accept any less.

Day 196: The 4th of July - Are We Really Independent?

Last night I listened to the fireworks that were being set off somewhere rather quite nearby, as I could hear quite distinctly the sounds of the combustion burning up in the air like to quite some detail. The loud bangs and hissing and whistling went on for a few hours. From where I was, lying in bed, I did not see any flashing lights, all I heard was the sounds. Sounds like those you would hear in warfare, and it would be bombs and missiles, and there would probably also be the element of the sound of things breaking and being busted accompanying the loud blasts. As I lay there, I allowed myself to really question why we do this, why do we have a celebration where we blast fake bombs into the sky with flashy lights, and really have a look at just what it is we’re doing, how we react to this event, what we get out of it, what’s our relationship to/with it? Does it make sense, or is it really extremely bizarre?

It’s as if through this display, a big fanfare of energetic blasts it’s as if to say, ‘everything’s fine, everything’s alright, look we’re doing so ok that we can celebrate, I mean, we wouldn’t celebrate if things weren’t ok right? Our society and economy obviously must be stable and going along just fine if we’re able to put on such a display, right? 

Yet meanwhile all the same problems are still going on in the world, as is. Everything is obviously not fine, and bombs are dropping in places where such sounds are scaring the living shit out of people because such sounds are the sounds of bombs and missiles and mean you could die at any moment, or have yourself be blasted apart or who knows what atrocity.

I used to see the 4th of July as a positive thing, but it was really my imagination about it, as the idea I had of it, as how it was presented to me as a child, and I associated it with positive things, like holiday from school, you get to play and everybody is putting on a good mood, and there is cheesecake or pie or some such yummy thing you get to indulge in. And it is something different from the ‘norm’, a break from the ‘day to day’ same-old routine- not realizing that such things are like ‘coping mechanisms’ which assist us to ‘put up with’ the day to day drudgery by giving a little break from it for a moment so it doesn’t seem so bad, and then I can continue on just waiting til the next break. And I learned to associate positivity to the U.S., and the American flag, like ‘hooray for our team!’, like the positive feeling that’s associated with sports and teams and winning and being proud of ‘your team’ because ‘you’ve won’ and so all these things that I’d associated as positive through memories, is what I was really seeing the 4th of July as/through - I was just reliving the experiences and feelings of those previous memories and experiences, and not actually seeing it for and as what/how it really is, in the context of reality and what is really going on in the world.

Now when you just look at it in actuality for what it is, it’s really quite a pompous act from a country who has done such extensive harm in the world, perhaps the most out of any country, with its people brainwashed enough to think it is the greatest country while it has rained down so much terror on the world, with it’s ‘war on terror’ which is really a war of terror, because we are really the terror, that tears this world apart through force and fear, tears apart humanity by wreaking such harm to terrorize us and drive us further and further apart, from who we are as equals here, from standing together and living together in unison, which I mean, I though it was called the ‘united’ states but there is nothing about actual ‘unity’ about it – it is about the destruction of unity, it is about one country that unites together to cause untold harm in apparently protecting its own self-interest, which it then celebrates with fake bombs, celebrating the real  bombs and warfare and harm that did not actually procure our freedom, but served to make a few a lot of money, while many have fought and suffered and died in unnecessary wars that were only ever for the greed of a few, because war is not how you gain ‘independence’, war is in fact how we have caused dependence of the countries we ravage that now can’t stand on their own and require assistance. 

There has been numerous cases of this which are documented throughout history and it still goes on today, you just will not find it in the mainstream media, as that is privately owned and the information it puts out is controlled to shape a rather different version of reality, which is how we can end up thinking the U.S. is great despite the reality that is actually going on and that others are experiencing the consequences of first hand. For some education on this suggest to watch the documentary The War on Democracy.

It’s quite a reflection of our general total disregard for life here as we don’t consider what effect this event of blowing things up for no reason might have on all the other beings that exist here, or using the up the finite resources of the earth which we are already squandering excessively putting more and more pressure on our overburdened ecosystem, but just impose our celebration because we want it and we only care about ourselves and our own feel-good experience, and we don’t even know what impact this might have on the environment or how this may effect for example animals that are sensitive to sounds. I mean, for example, the cat that I take care of and who is sensitive to loud sounds and events did not come home to be fed until well after all the explosions had stopped, so she was quite likely hiding somewhere terrified and very hungry, but so often we are only thinking about ourselves at all, just existing within our imagination throughout the day in our own separate reality bubble, where the beings you interact with you don’t even consider them as beings equal to yourself, but they are just mere actors or props in your play in your mind that you are the star of, just like in hollywood. Stuck in the memories and feelings of past experiences, ignorant to the effect we’re having in reality, the harm we’re causing through attempting to live out our imagination onto reality, where if we would but simply look at what we’re doing and the effect we’re having we would see it, and so our ignorance is really just an illusion as it’s all happening right here in front of us.

The ironic thing is - we actually have no independence, whatsoever. Our living, our lifestyle, it all is dependent on many many individuals who are not even U.S. citizens, as in all the outsourced slave labor which we depend upon daily for so much of our products that we utilize in all aspects of our lives and living. How can we pretend/think/believe we have independence when you don’t even know where the food in your grocery store comes from, or who made the shirt you’re wearing, where dividends on your investments come from – somewhere individuals are doing labor that provides these things, and you are depending on them. We live off of the labor of others while taking them totally for granted at the same time, ignoring the fact that there are millions and billions enslaved while we go and celebrate how the U.S. has managed to create so many slaves for us to provide us with all sorts of consumer products, which we then become enslaved so that we can buy buy buy. It’s the American Dream isn’t it?

So we are not independent, we’re interdependent, because we all live here on this same planet. Interdependence is not a problem, it is the fact that we are all connected within this shared reality and all living here together, and thus what one do effects all, and thus within this we must ensure that what we do and what we support is harming no one because that will have consequences in a shared reality.  

And when we are also totally dependent on our ecosystem to live – yet we trash it and disregard it as if we had some form of independence from it. Yet without the resources that the earth provides unconditionally, your body would not be supported and your body would die and you would be gone, and that is about as dependent as you can get. Within this, implies that we must then take the utmost care of our ecosystem and each other in a way that is best for all life.

I mean, when we get to that point, that would really be something to celebrate. When we get to the point where the best life is a basic human right for everyone. 

Basic Income Guaranteed

Suggested reading:

Patriotism vs. Solving Global Problems

Basic Income  Guaranteed and Human Rights