Change require an understanding of how one exists and what is the problem with how one is existing, and the decision that one do not want to continue that way creating the same consequence over and over. So what this means is really Facing Oneself.
Facing the Reality of oneself, to really see - in total self honesty – just what/how I am existing as, what have I become in fact, and understanding the context of who I am within existence as how it currently exists.
You can reverse engineer this also to see that the reason we’re existing as we do and not changing is because we haven’t yet seen in self honesty and full understanding what we are/have become and the consequence we create. So we don’t have the context to yet understand what is the problem with how we’re living, to then understand why change is necessary, and especially how to change for real.
A good example of this you will see in the show Thailand - Blood , Sweat and Takeaways - Chicken where before they were exposed to the reality of what is going on in the world, they were fine with how they were living, but when realizing the context in which food products are being produced for the elite of the world by slave labor, and by going and experiencing that slave labor and that reality for themselves, then the need for change become obvious. The gravity of the situation become obvious, and the reality of how and what one has been existing is, and how that fit in to the context of how reality is currently existing, is then understood, where one realizes for example how most of the complaints one may have are quite petty in comparison to the actual suffering that’s going on in the world, and one realize that one has been living and benefiting off of the blood, sweat and tears of others without any regard or consideration for the lives that are sacrificed in the process.
And, ultimately, that one is responsible for the fact that such suffering exist, because we didn’t question where things came from or how they are made so cheap, when we know it must mean someone else is paying the price. It is this way, because we have accepted it, within our living, within every moment in which we ignored the reality so we could have cheap things. And thus the solution is to change ourselves, change the words we speak, change our living, from support of Ignorance of reality, to spreading Awareness of What’s Really Going On, why it’s a Problem, how We’re Responsible, so that we can then understand why we need to change, and then actually change, to no longer accept ourselves to benefit at another’s expense, as we wouldn’t want to be in that position either, so that this lead to actual change in reality, and ending slave labor.
So what do we know – if slave labor hasn’t ended yet – we haven’t effectively changed yet. We haven’t yet made change in reality – because reality hasn’t changed – it’s still the same, the same things going on, the same abuse, the same suffering. Whatever we’ve done thus far, has not been effective. And that’s because up till now, we have really only paid Lip Service to the problems in the world, but not ever getting down to the point of actually changing reality. Nothing has changed, and thus up to now it has just been Empty words, because we did not live them.
So, because there has been no substantial change in the world – we know we have not yet got an effective understanding of ourselves, of the reality of the situation, of our responsibility for how the world exists as it does, of the consequence that we’re creating. We have for so long, never got around to actually facing reality, facing ourselves, holding on to the hope that somehow we can just keep ignoring what we’re doing, and everything will work out anyway. Yes, it’s quite ridiculous.
We have for so long, accepted a reality in which massive abuse and suffering exists, when the solution has been here all along, which is – to CHANGE. So – why have we not really got this point? What is it that has made such a simple and obvious solution, so apparently not obvious or simple? What has been so instrumental in us not ever effectively applying change? It is – Responsibility. What do I mean? That we have never grasped our responsibility, and in fact what responsibility really means. A fascinating thing – we have taken that which is our truest power, and formed such a resistance to it, that we’d cut ourselves off from that which is our ability to have power in our lives and have a real impact in reality, to make Real Change.
We will look at this further in the next blog – of what Responsibility actually is and how we’ve misunderstood it to the extent that we’ve robbed ourselves of our Real Power in this world.